1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji
2.1 Merespon makna secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
3.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji
4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter Dalam Dunia Pendidikan
“Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan untuk 275 juta penduduk Indonesia”
Sebelum kita membahas topik ini lebih jauh lagi saya akan memberikan data dan fakta berikut:
• 158 kepala daerah tersangkut korupsi sepanjang 2004-2011
• 42 anggota DPR terseret korupsi pada kurun waktu 2008-2011
• 30 anggota DPR periode 1999-2004 terlibat kasus suap pemilihan DGS BI
• Kasus korupsi terjadi diberbagai lembaga seperti KPU,KY, KPPU, Ditjen Pajak, BI, dan BKPM
Sumber : Litbang Kompas
Kini setelah membaca fakta diatas, apa yang ada dipikran anda? Cobalah melihat lebih ke atas sedikit, lebih tepatnya judul artikel ini. Yah, itu adalah usulan saya untuk beberapa kasus yang membuat hati di dada kita “terhentak” membaca kelakuan para pejabat Negara.
Pendidikan karakter, sekarang ini mutlak diperlukan bukan hanya di sekolah saja, tapi dirumah dan di lingkungan sosial. Bahkan sekarang ini peserta pendidikan karakter bukan lagi anak usia dini hingga remaja, tetapi juga usia dewasa. Mutlak perlu untuk kelangsungan hidup Bangsa ini.
Bayangkan apa persaingan yang muncul ditahun 2021? Yang jelas itu akan menjadi beban kita dan orangtua masa kini. Saat itu, anak-anak masa kini akan menghadapi persaingan dengan rekan-rekannya dari berbagai belahan Negara di Dunia. Bahkan kita yang masih akan berkarya ditahun tersebut akan merasakan perasaan yang sama. Tuntutan kualitas sumber daya manusia pada tahun 2021 tentunya membutuhkan good character.
Bagaimanapun juga, karakter adalah kunci keberhasilan individu. Dari sebuah penelitian di Amerika, 90 persen kasus pemecatan disebabkan oleh perilaku buruk seperti tidak bertanggung jawab, tidak jujur, dan hubungan interpersonal yang buruk. Selain itu, terdapat penelitian lain yang mengindikasikan bahwa 80 persen keberhasilan seseorang di masyarakat ditentukan oleh emotional quotient.
Bagaimana dengan bangsa kita? Bagaimana dengan penerus orang-orang yang sekarang sedang duduk dikursi penting pemerintahan negara ini dan yang duduk di kursi penting yang mengelola roda perekonomian negara ini? Apakah mereka sudah menunjukan kualitas karakter yang baik dan melegakan hati kita? Bisakah kita percaya, kelak tongkat estafet kita serahkan pada mereka, maka mereka mampu menjalankan dengan baik atau justru sebaliknya?
Dari sudut pandang psikologis, saya melihat terjadi penurunan kulaitas “usia psikologis” pada anak yang berusia 21 tahun pada tahun 20011, dengan anak yang berumur 21 pada tahun 2001. Maksud usia psikologis adalah usia kedewasaan, usia kelayakan dan kepantasan yang berbanding lurus dengan usia biologis. Jika anak sekarang usia 21 tahun seakan mereka seperti berumur 12 atau 11 tahun. Maaf jika ini mengejutkan dan menyakitkan.
Walau tidak semua, tetapi kebanyakan saya temui memiliki kecenderungan seperti itu. Saya berulangkali bekerjasama dengan anak usia tersebut dan hasilnya kurang maksimal. Saya tidak “kapok” ber ulang-ulang bekerja sama dengan mereka. Dan secara tidak sengaja saya menemukan pola ini cenderung berulang, saya amati dan evaluasi perilaku dan karakter mereka. Kembali lagi ingat, disekolah pada umumnya tidak diberikan pendidikan untuk mengatasi persaingan pada dunia kerja. Sehingga ada survey yang mengatakan rata-rata setelah sekolah seorang anak perlu 5-7 tahun beradaptasi dengan dunia kerja dan rata-rata dalam 5-7 tahun tersebut pindah kerja sampai 3-5 kali. Hmm.. dan proses seperti ini sering disebut dengan proses mencari jati diri. Pertanyaan saya mencari “diri” itu didalam diri atau diluar diri? “saya cocoknya kerja apa ya? Coba kerjain ini lah” lalu kalau tidak cocok pindah ke lainnya. Kenapa tidak diajarkan disekolah, agar proses anak menjalani kehidupan di dunia yang sesungguhnya tidak mengalami hambatan bahkan tidak jarang yang putus asa karena tumbuh perasaan tidak mampu didalam dirinya dan seumur hidup terpenjara oleh keyakinannya yang salah.
Baiklah kembali lagi ke topik, Karakter merupakan nilai-nilai perilaku manusia yang berhubungan dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, diri sendiri, sesama manusia, lingkungan dan kebangsaan yang terwujud dalam pikiran, sikap, perasaan, perkataan, dan perbuatan berdasarkan norma-norma agama, hukum, tata krama, budaya dan adat istiadat.
Bagi Indonesia sekarang ini, pendidikan karakter juga berarti melakukan usaha sungguh-sungguh, sitematik dan berkelanjutan untuk membangkitkan dan menguatkan kesadaran serta keyakinan semua orang Indonesia bahwa tidak akan ada masa depan yang lebih baik tanpa membangun dan menguatkan karakter rakyat Indonesia. Dengan kata lain, tidak ada masa depan yang lebih baik yang bisa diwujudkan tanpa kejujuran, tanpa meningkatkan disiplin diri, tanpa kegigihan, tanpa semangat belajar yang tinggi, tanpa mengembangkan rasa tanggung jawab, tanpa memupuk persatuan di tengah-tengah kebinekaan, tanpa semangat berkontribusi bagi kemajuan bersama, serta tanpa rasa percaya diri dan optimisme. Inilah tantangan kita bangsa Indonesia, sanggup?
Theodore Roosevelt mengatakan: “To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society” (Mendidik seseorang dalam aspek kecerdasan otak dan bukan aspek moral adalah ancaman mara-bahaya kepada masyarakat)
Adapted from pendidikan by Timothy Wibowo
Saturday, 1 September 2012
Write a personal recount text and answer some questions below!
Post comments or publication your personal recount text and the answer of these questions on my blog as comment in this writing task!
1. Orientation:
- Who is involved?
- Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
2. Sequence of events:
- What happened?
- What did it happen?
- What did you do?
- What's your comment about what had happened?
Don’t forget! Write your name, class, and absent number!
1. The last holiday trip
2. Unforgotten event
3. Your own experience.
Based on the grammatical structure or text structure below!
- The title of the text
- Orientation (who, where, and when the event take place
- Sequence events
- Reorientation.
Write your answer in the comment of my blog, don't forget write your name, class, and your present number
Write a personal recount text and answer some questions below!
Post comments or publication your personal recount text and the answer of these questions on my blog as comment in this writing task!
1. Orientation:
- Who is involved?
- Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
2. Sequence of events:
- What happened?
- What did it happen?
- What did you do?
- What's your comment about what had happened?
Don’t forget! Write your name, class, and absent number!
Write a personal recount text and answer some questions below!
Post comments or publication your personal recount text and the answer of these questions on my blog as comment in this writing task!
1. Orientation:
- Who is involved?
- Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
2. Sequence of events:
- What happened?
- What did it happen?
- What did you do?
- What's your comment about what had happened?
Don’t forget! Write your name, class, and absent number!
Friday, 31 August 2012
Post comments or publication your personal recount text and the answer of these questions on my blog as comment in this writing task!
1. Orientation:
- Who is involved?
- Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
2. Sequence of events:
- What happened?
- What did it happen?
- What did you do?
- What's your comment about what had happened?
Don’t forget! Write your name, class, and absent number!
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
1. Orientatioan :
- Who is involved?
- Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
2. Sequence of event :
- What happened?
- What did it happen?
- What did you do?
- What's your comment about what had happened?
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
1. The last holiday trip
2. Unforgotten event
3. Your own experience.
Based on the grammatical structure or text structure below!
- The title of the text
- Orientation (who, where, and when the event take place
- Sequence events
- Reorientation.
Write your answer in the comment of my blog, don't forget write your name, class, and your present number
Thursday, 9 August 2012
THR (Tugas Hari Raya) for class X. 7 Sakra
Wonderful Camping
Last holiday, my friends and I went camping together for three days. We camped, in Mount Bunder. It is part of Mount Salak, West Java.
My friends and I arrived at the campsite on Saturday evening. The weather was not good at that time. It had been raining for hours and it made me sick. I felt very cold. Nevertheless, I helped my friends put up a tent soon after we got there. This w-as our first experience in handling the tent and it turned out that the task was not easy at all. It took us an hour to make the tent stand up properly.Feeling hungry and exhausted, we then had dinner and took a rest. We went to sleep right after we finished our dinner.
The next morning, we felt fresh again. We did some exercise with some rock music played through a radio. My friend, Randy, got too excited that he slipped on his knee. We laughed so loud because the incident was very funny. He fell down because of a banana skin that he had thrown away at dinner. I already told him to throw the litter in the garbage can, but he wouldn't listen.
After having some exercise and breakfast, I took a bath. I was so ready to do many activities that day. My friends and I shared our knowledge about how to survive in the woods. In the afternoon, we played some games. The most exciting one was the game that they called the "flying fox". It was a little bit scary at first, but I quite enjoyed it.
On the last day of the camping trip, we visited the Cigamea waterfall. Local people call it Curug Cigamea. It had the most wonderful view. My friends and I took some pictures and played in the water. It was really fun.
My camping trip was the best trip I've ever had.
Kartika's Diary
Answer this questions.
1. Who went camping?
2. Where did the writer spend her holiday?
3. When did the writer go camping?
4. What did they do after they put up the tent? They …..
5. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
6. What happened to Randy?
7. If the camping started on would the trip end?
8. How did the writer feel about it?
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Once upon a time there was a widow who lived in the village of Dadapan. She had a son whose name was Jaka Tarub. Dadapan village was close to a wood so Jaka Tarub liked to go to the wood. He liked hunting for animals with his blowpipe.
One day when he was in the wood he saw a beautiful rainbow and he saw seven angels went down through it. He came closer and searched for them. The seven angels were swimming and taking a bath in a lake. Jaka Tarub looked at them while hiding behind trees. When they had finished taking a bath, they flew through the rainbow to heaven.The next day he saw the same thing again. This time Jaka Tarub had an idea. He searched for their dress and when he found them he took one of them. As they had finished swimming and taking a bath, they looked for their dress. One of them could not find her dress. Her friends had to come back to heaven so they left her. She was crying while staying in the water. Jaka Tarub approached her.
‘Why are you crying lady?’
‘I lose my dress so I cannot go home’
‘Where is your home?’
‘I live in heaven. I’m an angel. My name is Nawang Wulan. But I lose my dress so I cannot fly anymore’
‘I you don’t mind I will take my mother’s dress for you’
‘OK, please do’
‘Wait for me here, I’ll be back’
Then Jaka Tarub went home to take her mother’s dress and gave it to Nawang Wulan. He asked her to stay at her house with his mother. Not long after that Jaka Tarub married Nawang Wulan.
As an angel Nawang Wulan had spiritual power. She had ability which far above human being. She could cook rice with just a bar of rice and when it had done the bowl will be full of rice. But there was one condition. The bowl must not be opened before it has done. Jaka Tarub was very surprised with her wife’s ability. He was very curious about it. So when Nawang Wulan was away he opened the bowl. Consequently Nawang’s spiritual power disappeared. She had to cook as ordinary human being.
Several months later Nawang Wulan gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Nawang Sih. The birth of Nawang Sih added happiness to Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan.
Since Nawang Wulan could not cook efficiently anymore, she needed more rice than usual. The stock of rice in their store room diminished rapidly. Then one day when she took rice there she was very surprised. Nawang Wulan found her angel dress. It was hidden there under piles of rice. She immediately wore it and talked to Jaka Tarub.
‘My dear husband, now I know what you did to me’
‘Forgive me, my dear. I admit that I did this because I love you’
‘I love you too. But now I find my dress. I must come back to heaven. I am an angel. My place is not here. I have to go now’.
‘How about Nawang Sih? She needs you’‘I will leave her but don’t worry. I will take care of her. Anytime she needs me I will be here. For that purpose please build a tower. When Nawang Sih cries put her there then call my name. I will come immediately. But I will be invisible to you. Good bye dear’
Then Jaka Tarub built a tower behind his house. Every time Nawang Sih cried he would put her there. Nawang Wulan would come and take care of Nawang Sih.
Download Narrative Text file.ppt
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Tempura is a very careful method of deep-…………...(1) that's done with a light batter and very clean oil. The finished foods are usually small enough to cook without coloring too much and are …………2) well on clean paper towels.
Anything that can be deep-fried in ……………….(3) can be fried tempura style. The trick is to keep everything small enough, so that it doesn't get too golden in color. Green ………….
Lembar Kerja Siswa Kelas x Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
1. Offering Help or Things (menawarkan bantuan / menawarkan sesuatu)
Untuk menawarkan bantuan, dapat digunakan ungkapan-ungkapan berikut:
- May I help you?
- Can I help you?
- Could I help you?
- How can I be of assistance to you?
- How can I be of help to you?
- What can I help you - What can I do for you?
- How can I assist you?
- How can I help you?
- Let me help you?
- Do you want me to help you?
- Shall I …?
Cara memberi tawaran seperti menawarkan makanan atau minuman dalam bahasa Inggris lazimnya dengan menggunakan ungkapan Would you like…?, Would you care for …?, why don’t you have…?, How about having …? May I offer you …?
Tawaran Respon
- Would you like some bread? Yes, please.
- Would you care for some coffee? No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.
- Why don’t you have some biscuit, please? Thanks, I’d love to.
Jawaban untuk menerima tawaran antara lain: Yes please, Sure, Why not, Ofcourse, Certainly, I’d love to, It’s a good idea, That’s great. Untuk menolak tawaran digunakan ungkapan seperti: No, thanks, Please don’t bother, I’d love to but…, That’s great but…
1. 2. Introducing (memperkenalkan)
Memperkenalkan Dri Memperkenalkan Orang Lain
- I’d like to introduce myself.
- My I introduce myself?
- Let me introduce myself!
- I want to introduce myself - I’d like you to meet … (nama)
- This is my friend/boss/etc…(nama)
- Have you met…(nama)?
- May I introduce you to …(nama/jabatan)
- Let me introduce you to ….
- I want to introduce you to ….
1. Inviting (mengundang/mengajak)
Undangan/Ajakan Menolak Menerima
- let’s + V1
- Why don’t we …?
- How about…?
- I’d like to invite you to…
- Would you like to…?
- I wonder if you’d like to - I’m sorry I can’t
- I’d like to but…
- I’m afraid I can’t
- No, let’s not. - I’d love to
- I’d like very much
- I’d be happy/glad to
- Yes, I’d be delighted to.
- That’s good ide
1. Expressing Thanks (terimakasih)
Ungkapan Respon
Thank you
Thank you very much
Thank you very much for… (kata benda)
I’m grateful for…(kata benda/noun) You are welcome.
That’s all right
Not at all
Don’t mention it
Thet’s all right
Any time
1. Congratulations (ucapan selamat)
Ungkapan Respon
Congratulations on …
I’d like to congratulate you.
I’d like to congratulate you on…
It was great to hear…
It was to hear about….
Happy birthday to you.
Happy new year.
Good luck!
Have a nice holiday Thank you
Thank you and the same to you
Thank you. I need it.
Thank you very much.
1. Sympathy (menyatakan rasa simpati)
Ungkapan-ungkapan perasaan simpati atas mala petaka/musibah yang dialami orang lain diantaranya:
• I’m sorry to hear that
• Oh, that’s too bad.
• How awful!
• How terrible!
• Poor!
1. Pleasure, Displeasure (senang & tidak senang)
Pleasure/senang Displeasure/tidak senang
It’s really delightful/Iam delighted
I’m satisfied
That’s great
That’s wonderful
It’s really a great pleasure I’m dissatisfied
We are fed up with…
I feel dosappointed
She is extremely displeased
1. Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction ( kepuasan, ketidakpuasan)
Ketika kita akan mengungkapkan kepuasan atas kerja seseorang, kita dapat gunakan ungkapan:
• Well done!
• Great! Good work
• I am satisfied with your work
• You did well
• Your job is satisfactory
• I am so happy about this
• I’m glad to what you’ve done
• It’s really satisfying
Katika kita akan mengungkapkan ketidakpuasan atas kerja seseorang, kita dapat gunakan:
• I’m not satisfied with work
• You haven’t done well enough
• I am really dissappointed
• Sorry, but your work is not satisfactory
• Oh, no!
• It’s not very nice
• It’s really not good enough
1. Asking & Giving Opinion (meminta & memberi pendapat)
Asking Opinion Giving opinion
How was the trip?
How do you like your new house?
How do you think of Rina’s idea?
How do you feel about this dicition?
What is your opinions of the movie?
What are your feelings about it? I think (that)….
In my opinion….
As I see, …
If you ask me, I feel…
10. Agreement/approval, Disagreement/disapproval (setuju, tidak setuju)
Ketika kita merasa sependapat dengan opini orang lain, kita bisa mengatakan:
• So do I
• Yes, I agree with you
• It is certainly
• Exactly
• That’s what I want to say
• I am with you
• I am on your side
Ketika kita merasa tidak sependapat dengan opini orang lain, kita bisa mengatakan:
• Well, I don’t think so
• I don’t think that is true
• I disagree with …
• I wouldn’t say that
• Exactly not
• I can’t say so
• On contrary
• I don’t buy that idea
11. Fear, Anciety (ungkapan ketakutan, kegelisahan)
Fear Respon
I am afraid
I am feared
I am scared
I am terrified
The sound is horrifying Don’t be afraid
There is nothing to be afraid of
It is nothing
Anciety Respon
I am worried about…
I am anxious to know about…
I wondered if…
That made me worried
I have been thinking about ….
I am afraid if… Take is easy
Calm down
I know you are worried but…
It is not a big deal
Don’t worry
Stay cool
12. Pain, Relief (ungkapan kesakitan, kelegaan)
Pain Relief
That was hurt
It is painful
It hurts me
I’ve got a backache/toothache/stomachache
I feel sore all over
My eyes hurt I’m very relieved to hear…
Finally, it was over
I feel relieved
I feel much better
I’m glad it’s over
That’s a great relief
I’m extremely glad to hear…
Thank goodness for that
What a relief!
13. Like/Love & Dislike/Hate (suka/cinta & tidak suka/benci)
Like Dislike
I love it
I like it
I am keen on it
I am crazy about it
We all enjoy
(benda/noun/gerund)…is my cup of tea I don’t really like it
I dislike it
I am not really interested in…
I can’t enjoy…
(benda/noun/gerund)…is not my cup of tea
I can’t stand
I hate it
14. Embarrassment & Annoyance (Ungkapan rasa malu, kejengkelan)
Embarrassment Annoyance
I am embarrassed
I feel ashamed
Oh my God
Shame on me
I don’t feel comfortable
I feel awkward I am annoyed
I had enough with it
I can’t bear it any longer
You made me annoyed
You are such a pain in the neck
You made me sick
15. Request (permintaan)
Request Acceptance Refusal
Would it be possible for you to
Would you be so kind as to
Would you…,please?
Would you mind …?
Any chance of…
Can you…? I should be delighted to come
By all means
I have no objection
I’d be happy to
No problem
Mmm I regret to say that we find ourselves unable to go
I’m afraid it’s not possible
I’m afraid not
No, I won’t
Not likely
You must be joking
16. Complaint, Blame (keluhan,menyalahkan)
Complaint Blame
I’m not at all satisfied with the service
I really do/must objec to the service
I take great exception to…
I want to complain about…
This is crazy! You’re the one to blame
It’s your fault!
It’s your mistake!
You’re wrong
17. Regret, Apology (penyesalan, meminta maaf)
Regret Apology
Much to my regret
Sadly, I ….
I’m terribly sorry
I honestly regret that I …
Sorry, I … Please accept my apologies for what I did
Please forgive me for what I did
I am extremely sorry
I really must apologies
May I offer you my sincerest apologies?
18. Possibility & Impossibility (kemungkinan & ketidakmungkinan)
Menyatakan Kemungkinan Menanyakan Kemungkinan
I think there is possibility to …
I sassume/believe…
In all probability,…
it is going to be possible for me to…
that will probably …
it’s quite possible … Do you think he/it could…?
Would you say we’re capable of…?
Are you capable of…?
Are you able to…?
Do you have any experience of…?
Can you…?
Do you know how to…?
Do you think you can…?
Sumber : Ringkasan Materi Bahasa Inggris SMA oleh Bapak Ulan Darulan di
Thursday, 26 July 2012
Friday, 6 July 2012
Edukasi & Literasi: Kompetensi Guru Profesional
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
1. buka blogspot
2. buka Soal UKK Kelas X atau Kelas XI
3. Kerjakan semua soal Pilihan Ganda No. 1 s.d. 40 dan soal Essay No. 1 s.d. 5
4. masukan jawaban anda pada komentar di poskan komentar
5. pilih profil dengan memilih "google acount"
6. klik publikasikan
7. isikan gmail kamu dan sandi atau password kamu
8. klik publikasi kembali
9. kirim ke e_mail :
Friday, 8 June 2012
Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 2011/2012
Dear Dewi,
On Saturday, I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at Nisa and Achmad's house at Cemara Lawang, Probolinggo. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a fish pond.
On Sunday, Nisa and I saw Gunung Batok and went on the scenic ride on horseback. It was scary. Then we went to get a closer to look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful sceneries there.
On Monday, we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We saw cockatoos having a shower. In the afternoon I went home. It was fun.
Love, Dini
1. What kind of text is it? It is
a. Spoof d. procedure
b. Narrative e. news
c. Recount
2. Who wrote the letter?
a. Achmad d. the writer
b. Dini e. all of them
c. Nisa
3. Does the last paragraph express a personal opinion regarding the events described?
a. Yes, it is d. Yes, It does
b. No, It is not e. Yes, it doesn't
c. No, it was
4. When did Dini went home?
a. In the morning d. In the night
b. In the afternoon e. Yesterday
c. In the evening
5. The series of event is described in paragraph
a. One d. two and three
b. Three e. two
c. One and two
6. A : What did you eat yesterday?
B : I bakso.
a. eat d. eaten
b. eats e. ate
c. to eat
7. Rida, Sita, and Dewi singers. Now they are housewife.
a. are d. been
b. have been e. will be
c. were
8. My brother rides
a. a new big black motorcycle
b. a big new black motorcycle
c. a motorcycle new big black
d. a black new big motorcycle
e. a new motorcycle black big
9. Ani is good ……. singing
a. at d. of
b. by e. in
c. of
10. Eve : Wow, you look handsome! Adam
a. Thank you very much
b. I am sorry to hear that
c. I'm so proud of you
d. What a shame
e. To me, the food is OK
11. He said, " ".
a. I like you very much
b. I liked you very much
c. He likes me very much
d. He liked me very much,
e. He had liked me very much.
Natural Bridge National Park
Natural bridge national park is luscious tropical rainforest. It is located 110 kilometer south Brisbane and is reached by following the pacific highway to Nerang and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This scenic roadway lies in the shadow of the Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural `arch' and the cave through which waterfall cascades is a short one- kilometerss walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offer toilets, barbecue, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.
12. What is the function of paragraph 1? As...
a. an identification d. a classification
b. an orientation e. an abstract
c. an orientation
13. What kind of the text is it?
a. Hortatory exposition d. Description
b. Narrative e. Report
c. Explanation
14. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. To present two points of views about natural bridge national park
b. To explain the bridge national park
c. To describe the bridge national park
d. To retell the bridge national park
e. To persuade readers to treat preserve the bridge national park.
15. The most grammatical features found in the texts are in the
a. Simple present tense d. simple past tense
b. Reported speech e. passive voice
c. Conditional sentences
16. The word " picnic" has the same meaning with
a. visit d. go
b. come e. do
c. tour
17. Toni : I have been chosen as the captain of the football team
Rima : …….
a. Thank you d. That's great.
b. Congratulation e. Are you come
c. Sorry, please!
18. Rusdi : Look! The small river runs swiftly down the valley.
Andy : Wow ………..
a. Are you cold? d. what a lovely dress!
b. What a beautiful e.
19. "Do you have driving license?" asked the policeman.
The policeman asked me whether I ….. driving license.
a. having d. is having
b. b. had e. had had
c. has
20. "Don't smoke!" my teacher said.
I was prohibited by my teacher ….. smoke.
a. To d. not being
b. not to e. to not
c. don't
Text for number 21 - 25
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring
Invite you to share the joy
of the marriage uniting their daughter
Alice Sembiring
Jeffry Sitorus
Friday, the thirteenthh of June two thousand and eight
At three o'clock in the afternoon
Gajah Wong Restaurant
Jln. Affandi Yogyakarta
21. The purpose of the text is to invite
a. To attend Mr and Mrs. Sembiring's marriage.
b. To unite Alice and Jeffry in a wedding party
c. To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party
d. To marry with Mr and Mrs. Sembiring
e. To inform about marriage Mr and Mrs. Sembiring
22. Where will the party held?
a. Mr and Mrs. Sembiring's house
b. At Gajah Wong Restaurant
c. Jeffry's house
d. On Jln. Affandy Yogyakarta
e. Alice and Jeffry's house
23. When does they have marriage?
a. Friday, 31St June 2008 d. Friday, 31St June
b. 2008 e. in the afternoon
c. Friday, 30 th June 2008
Text for number 24-25
The head of this regency, Mr. Harjono, is going to visit our school tomorrow, Tuesday. All students should wear the new batik uniforms and gather in the school hall at 9:30 to do the welcoming ceremony. The learning Process before and after the ceremony is done as usual. Please be informed.
Indrawan Headmaster
24. What is the announcement about?
a. The new batik uniforms d. The visit of the head of the regency
b. The welcoming ceremony e. The teaching learning process
c. The program of the school
25. Below are the things the students should do, except
a. Study in the class before and after the ceremony
b. Gather in the school hall at 9:30 a.m.
c. Do a welcoming speech
d. Wear batik uniforms
e. The ceremony is done us usual.
26. Adon : Did you know that Angelina Jolie wants to adopt more children?
Olin : Really?
The underlined word described
a. Satisfacition d. surprise
b. Agreement e. opinion
c. Certainty
27. Irene : What kind a house do you live in?
Satrio : I live in ……
a. a house big house d. a colonial house style big
b. a big house colonial style e. a big colonial style house
c. a style colonial big house
28. Laila : Did both of you enjoy yourselves at the party
Jane : Yes we did. We really had ....
a. A saddening time d. an incredible time
b. A wonderful time e. an awful time
c. A terrible time
29. Patrick : A very attractive nurse has helped him.
Bob : He's very lucky.
The italicized word means
a. Nice d. friendly
b. Thoughtful e. pretty
c. Modest
30. Javanese ……. by some people in Suriname.
a. is spoken d. be spoken
b. speaking e. spoke
c. is speaking
Text for number 31 - 35
Earthquake Jolts Japan Capital
TOKYO (Reuters) - A slight earthquake jolted the Japanese capital last night but authorities said there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.
A spokesman for the Japan meteorological agency said, "An earth tremor was registered in Tokyo but there are no reports of casualties or damage.
The earth tremor struck shortly after midnight Tokyo time.
Residents of central Tokyo said the tremor was the strongest in several months in the capital.
(Taken from: Bangkok Post, 2004)
31. What kind of the text is it? It is
a. Narrative d. recount
b. Description e. news item
c. Procedure
32. What is the headline of the news?
a. A Slight Earthquake in Japanese Capital
b. Japan meteorological agency
c. An earth tremor
d. The strongest tremor in Japan
e. A Sopkesman of the Japan meteorology
33. Were there any victim and damage?
a. Yes, there was d. No, there were not
b. Yes, there were e. No, there are not.
c. No, there is not
34. What did the Tokyo residents say?
a. He said that the tremor is the strongest in several months in the capital
b. He says that the tremor is the strongest in several months in the capital
c. He said that the tremor was the strongest in several months in the capital.
d. He says that the tremor was the strongest in several months in the capital
e. He says, "the tremor is the strongest in several months in the capital.
35. The earth tremor struck shortly after midnight
The italicized word has the same meaning with
a. Damage d. visit
b. Hit e. hold
c. Held
36. The thief to the jail yesterday.
a. throw d. thrown
b. was throwing e. was throwing
c. has been throwing
37. Asti : Would you like to come to my party tonight?
Doni :
What is the suitable respond of the dialogue?
a. Thank you. d. You are welcome
b. I'd love to. e. Don't mention it
c. Wow..
38. This house is than that house.
a. big d. more big
b. bigger e. biggest
c. the most biggest
39. The man who wears blue shirt is the ……. of all them
a. taller d. tallest
b. tall e. most tallest
c. more tall
40. What does "dairy" mean?
a. Poultry product d. monk product
b. Vegetable e. book to write daily experience
c. Book to write poem
Do the question based on each instruction!
1. Rearrange the sentences into a good paragraph!
a. It covers an area of 8,000 square kilometers.
b. It is situated in North Sumatera.
c. The Lauser National Park is the park in South East Asia.
d. It is a part of Bukit Barisan range of mountain.
2. Complete the dialogues using suitable expression!
I . Man : Would you like something to drink?
Woman : ………..
2. Ely : You are to be headmaster, aren't you Mr. Karma?
Mr. Kurnia : That's right.
Ely : on your promotion.
Mr. Kurnia : …….. Ely.
3. Change the sentences into passive voice!
a. The man are driving the car
b. My mother bought some vegetables.
4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of Degrees Comparison!
a. Suramadu bridge is (small) than Golden Gate Bridge.
b. My mother's cooking is (delicious) than my cooking.
c. Doni is the (tall) boy in my class.
d. Maryam is (beautiful) than Marry.
5. Mention how to open/close the program!
Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 2011/2012
One day a fox was bragging to a cat. "I'm so smart. I know a lot of tricks, I know a hundred different ways to escape from my enemies."
"That's wonderful!" said the cat. "I only know one trick. Can you teach me some of yours?" "Well, may be," said the fox.
At the moment they heard a pack of wild dogs running toward them. The cat ran up a tree and disappeared. "This is the trick, I told you about, said the cat. "It's my only one. Which trick are you going to use?"
The fox sat there trying to decide which trick to use. He thought for a long time. Then, decided to run. But it was too late. The wild dogs got there before he could run away and ate him up.1. The main idea of paragraph I is that....
a. the fox was the cat's enemies
b. the fox was a boastful animal
c. the fox had a lot of enemies
d. there were many ways to escape from enemies
e. the fox knew a lot of tricks to beat his enemies
2. What happened to the fox when some wild dogs ran toward him?
a. He sat still. d. He was killed by the wild dogs.
b. He climbed up the tree. e. He disappeared to avoid the wild dogs.
c. He showed his only trick.
3. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. The cat was smarter than the fox.
b. The fox and the cat had the same tricks.
c. The fox could avoid the wild dogs running toward him.
d. The fox had a hundred ways to escape from his enemies.
e. The fox could teach the cat how to escape from his enemies.
4. What could we learn from the fox?
a. A wise man will not easily be deceived.
b. People do not always think what they say.
c. Clever people do not need lengthy explanation.
d. To get the best in life, one must not easily contented.
e. A person's action are more important than what she/he says.
5. "At the moment they heard a pack of wild dogs running toward them." (par. 4)
What does the word `they' refer to?
a. The wild dogs. d. The cat and the dogs.
b. The fox and the dogs. e. The fox, the cat and the dogs.
c. The fox and the cat.
Some people have problem to sleep. Of course it will disturb their daily activities. Well, sleeping is very important for human beings. Did you know why?
You know, sleep is a simple and natural way of relaxation. After a good night's sleep, we wake up refreshed and relaxed. In sleep, we enter the different world of our fantasy. While we sleep, our sub¬conscious mind takes us on a trip and our tired mind is rested and relaxed. Every part of our body will have its rest. Further, the refreshment of our mind and body will increase the power and effectiveness of all our faculties.
Considering the importance of sleeping, I think we should have enough sleep. And if someone has a sleeping problem, he/she should find the cause and overcome it. Otherwise, it will have a bad impact on their activities during the day.
6. What is the text mainly about?
a. How long we should sleep every day. d. What happens while we are sleeping.
b. Some problems dealing with sleep. e. The refreshment of our mind and body.
c. The importance of sleep.
7. What is the simple and natural way of relaxation?
a. Playing a sport. d. Visiting a tourist resort.
b. Sleeping. e. Hanging out with friends.
c. Sighting.
8. The following are the reasons why sleep is a good way of relaxation, except...
a. We will wake up refreshed
b. Our tired mind is rested while sleeping
c. We enter a different world of our fantasy while sleeping
d. We often have dreams while sleeping e. All parts of our body will rest while sleeping
9. What does the writer suggest that the readers should do?
a. We should relax when we lose our enthusiasm and feel ourselves miserable.
b. We should spend our spare time by sleeping.
c. We should have enough sleep.
d. We should sleep soundly.
e. We should always relax.
10. "...feel ourselves miserable,...."
The opposite meaning of the word `miserable' is...
a. angry d. tired
b. frustration e. delightful
c. shocked
Live Chicken for Dinner
A landowner from Seoul went to visit his farmer in the countryside and was treated to a grand dinner of boiled chicken.
In the course of the meal, the farmer's youngest son ran in, shouting, "There it is! He's eating the dead chicken."
The landowner thought that he had been served a long-dead chicken. So he put down his chopsticks and told the servant to clear the table, politely saying, "This is enough for me. My stomach can't take any more food."
Just then, the boy started eating the chicken's legs greedily, saying at the same time, "Oh, this is
really delicious."
"Why are you eating the dead chickens?" asked the surprised landowner. "Who eats live chickens?" replied the boy.
11. What is the text about?
a. A landowner from Seoul.
b. A landowner an his farmer.
c. A farmer's youngest son.
d. Having live chicken for dinner ,
e. A landowner who was tricked by his farmer's son.
12. what is the purpose or the text
a. To describe a particular thing. d. To explain something.
b. To tell past events with humorous twist. e. To show how to do something step by step.
c. To entertain the readers.
13. How did the landowner tell the farmer that he had eaten enough food?
a. Rudely. d. Angrily.
b. Politely. e. Friendly.
c. Harshly.
14. Why did the boy shout "There it is! He's eating dead chicken" ? Because..
a. he wanted to eat live chicken.
b. He wanted to eat boiled chicken.
c. He wanted to make the man ashamed.
d. He wanted to eat the dead chicken with the man.
e. He didn't want the landowner to get stomachache because of the dead chicken.
15. "Just then, the boy started eating the chicken's legs greedily..." (par. 4) The underlined word can be replaced by ... a. safely d. gluttonously
b. carefully e. dangerously
c. honestly
One day, Julian met his father and said his problem in a different way. "Dad, would you like to save some money?" asked Julian. His father replied, "I certainly would, son, any suggestions?" " Sure, Why not buy me a bike, then I won't wear my shoes out so fast?" explained Julian.
16. What did Julian actually want?
a. New shoes. d. A saving account.
b. A new bike. e. A new school bag.
c. Some money.
17. Which of following statements is true based on the text?
a. Julian's shoes are worn out so fast.
b. Julian likes riding on his bike fast.
c. Julian's father doesn't like to save money.
d. Julian wants to save money in a bank.
e. Julian's father always goes to his office on foot.
18. "His father replied, "I certainly would, son. Any suggestions?"
The word `replied' can be best replaced by ...
a. exclaimed d. responded
b. requested e. guessed c. pretended

19. What does the man want?
a. An iPad d. To chat with the girl.
b. A junky laptop. e. To make friend with the girl.
c. A desktop computer.
20. "Walk around with it and at least people will think you're cool."
What does the word `it' refer to?
a. A junky ol laptop. d. An iPad box.
b. A new iPad. e. An old iPad.
c. The girl's iPad.
Woman : Your trousers are torn. What happened"
Boy : I fell from the bike, Mom.
Woman : Did you get hurt?
Boy : Thanks God I didn't. But I was very embarrassed.
21. Who are talking in the dialog?
a. Two classmates. d. A teacher and a Student
b. Two best friends. e. A mother and a son.
c. A seller and a buyer.
22. What made the boy very embarrassed?
a. He had fallen from a tree. d. His mother was angry at him.
b. He had been beaten in a bike racing. e. His bike had hit a tree.
c. His trousers were torn.
23. Man : Where is the English storybook? I really need it now.
Woman : I saw it on Rina's table. Maybe she borrowed it.
Man : She should have told me first. She really makes me mad.
What makes the man angry?
a. Rina has lost his book.
b. Rina has torn his book.
c. Rina has forgotten to bring his book.
d. Rina has told a lie about his book.
e. Rina has borrowed his book without his permission.
24. Girl : Huh, the long queue really makes me annoyed!
Boy :
a. Are you sure? d. It's none of my business.
b. That's good for you. e. You must be disappointed.
c. Please be patient.
25. Man : You must have forgotten to turn off the gas.
Now, look! The house is on fire!
Woman :
a. The gas has made a great explosion.
b. I am not sure I can do it well.
c. It's really embarrassing that you could not do it well.
d. I am sorry to hear that your house is on fire.
e. It's not from our house. It's from our neighbor's.
26. Man : I am really ashamed of you. You were easily beaten in the game.
Why is that? If you had practiced hard, it wouldn't have happened.
Woman :
a. Sorry, I promise it won't happen again. d. I know how you feel.
b. It is none of my business. e. We can learn from it.
c. It was embarrassing.
27. Girl : When I was having dinner, I spilt my coffee on the waiter's skirt.
Boy :
a. Let me check it. d. Let me help you clean it.
b. That's good for you. e. What an embarrassing experience!
c. Are you sure?
28. The boys have the photographer ... their picture.
a. take d. took
b. taking e. to take
c. takes
29. George's hair is too long. He has his hair ...
a. to cut d. cut
b. cut e. to cutting
c. cutting
30. My father has no time to repair our TV, so we will have it ....
a. repair d. repaired
b. repairs e. to repair
c. repairing
31.picture .. .
a. mend d. mended
b. mends e. to mend
c. mending
32. The room is very dirty, you must have it ...
a. clean d. to clean
b. cleaning e. to be cleaned
c. cleaned
33. I got the table moved to another room. This means ...
a. I wanted someone to move the table to another room myself.
b. Someone asked me to move the table to another room.
c. I asked someone to move the table to another room.
d. I myself move the table to another room.
e. I had to move the table myself to another room.
34. They are going to get their house ...
a. designing d. to be designed
b. designed e. designs
c. design
35. She got her brother ... the toys for her yesterday.
a. repair d. repairing
b. to repair e. repaired
c. repairs
36. The teacher gets the students ... to the passage twice.
a. listen d, to listen
b. listened e. have listened
c. listening
37. By the end of this month, I ... my assignment.
a. will finish d. finish
b. will have finished e. was finishing
c. am finishing
38. By tomorrow, I ... all my works.
a. will write d. will be writing
b. will be written e. will have been written.
c. will have written
39. Please, believe that I ... the letters by the time you come back.
a. will send d. will be sent
b. will have sent e. will have been sent
c. will be sending
40. They ... the office by three o'clock this afternoon.
a. will have left d. will leave
b. will be left e. will be leaving
c. will have been left
A man went to the doctor and said, "Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts." The doctor asked, "What do you mean?"
The man said, "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts If I touch my knee - OUR When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts."
The doctor said, "I know what's wrong with you - you have broken your finger!"
Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. Where did the story take place?
2. What happened to the man?
3. Which part of his body was really injured?
4. "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts."
What does the word `it' in the sentence refer to?
5. What is the similar meaning of the word `to hurt'?
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Manfaat Blog Bagi Dunia Pendidikan
Namun Blog tidak hanya untuk hal tersebut, Blog juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk dunia pendidikan. Misalnya untuk mengembangkan proses transfer ilmu.
Dalam konteks dunia pendidikan, guru dan murid perlu terlebih dahulu diperkenalkan kepada konsep pembelajaran elektronik dan blog beserta manfaat-manfaatnya, yang sudah dibeberkan di atas tadi.
Berikut ini merupakan manfaat blog bagi dunia pendidikan :
1. Mendorong siswa untuk selalu mendokumentasikan apa yang ada di dalam pikiran mereka, termasuk di antaranya adalah pengetahuan, pengalaman, perasaan, pendapat, dan lain-lain, dengan metode yang paling sesuai dengan kepribadian masing-masing, apakah itu lewat tulisan, gambar, suara, atau video. Hal ini, selain berguna sebagai ajang latihan mengungkapkan ide-ide yang terpendam, juga berguna untuk penghematan biaya dalam hal publikasi gagasan karena dengan media blog, sebuah gagasan tidak perlu dimuat dalam ribuan lembar kertas agar dapat terpublikasi secara luas. Setiap buah pikiran yang berhasil mereka dokumentasikan, sebaiknya diberi apresiasi agar mereka juga semakin terpacu untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan yang mereka punya. Apresiasi tersebut tidak harus berupa materi, tapi bisa juga berupa tanggapan, pengakuan, pujian, dan bahkan kritikan atas apa yang mereka berhasil dokumentasikan.
2. Menggantikan kelas-kelas diskusi yang selama ini selalu terbatas pada waktu dan sebuah ruangan fisik, sehingga proses pembelajaran pun dapat diselenggarakan dengan lebih fleksibel.
3. Cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan minat belajar para siswanya. Misalnya seorang guru memposting suatu permasalahan atau materi pelajaran yang disusun dalam suatu bahasa yang formal tetapi lebih santai. Para siswanya kemudian bisa blogwalking ke blog tersebut dan kegiatan belajar mengajar pun bisa menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Materi pelajaran yang diposting melalui media blog bisa menjadi sebuah konten hebat yang bermanfaat bagi kemajuan dunia pendidikan.
4. Memperkenalkan teknologi internet di kalangan pelajar dan pengajar, juga bisa menjadi terobosan baru di dunia pendidikan. By the way, teknologi yang semakin canggih ini asal dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan suatu perubahan besar, tidak hanya di bidang pendidikan, bahkan mencakup semua bidang.
Diposkan oleh Remaja Kontemporer

Saturday, 24 March 2012
Adverbial clause adalah sebuah dependent clause yang digunakan sebagai adverb pada suatu kalimat. Adverbial clause dapat melengkapi suatu verb, adjective, verbal, adverb yang lain ataupun sentence.
Adverbial clause diawali dengan penggunaan sebuah subordinate conjunction setelah main clause. Subordinate conjunction itu antara lain : after, although, as, as if, as/so long as, as soon as, in order that, no mather, on condition that, provided (that), since, so that, so......that, much....that/ .....much thatsurposing (that), than, though, because, before, even if, even though, for fear that, if, unless, untill, what ever, when, where, when ever, where ever, wether, while.
Adverbial clause di kelompokkan berdasarkan makna dari subordinate conjunction yang mengawalinya sebagai berikut :
1) Time : when, when ever, while, since, after, before, untill, at. Contoh:
I read novel whenever I had the chance
He maintained his interest in sports untill he was as
I worked as a Doctor after I finished my education
I had worked as a seller since was a young girl
2) Place : where, wherever, contoh :
I lived where I was born
I will take you wherever you want
3) Manner: as, as if. Contoh :
I will do as I have been ill
They acted as if they owned the estate
4) Comparisan : as, than. Contoh :
He can cat as much as we cat
She runs faster than I do
5) Reason, cause, purpose: as, because, so that, in order that, for fear that, since. Contoh:
He studied the subject so that he could pass the test
It will not be necessary to cook some food because they have bought pizza
As /since he feels dizzy he will not be able to walk alone
6) Results: so...that, such....than/...such that. Contoh :
His wound was so serious that he needed to be sent to the hospital
It was such an interesting movie that I watched it again and again
He skill was such that ge solved the problem very rapidly
7) Condition: if, whether, unless, provided (that), on condition that, as/so long as, supposing. Contoh:
He will visit you if it necessary (= perhaps it will be necessary)
He will visit you whether it is necessary or not
He will not visit you unless it is necessary
He will consider it provided that all his conditions are met
8) Contrast, consession, although, though, even though, no manner if, while, even if, wherever, whenever, as much as, whereas. Contoh :
Wherever I spoke he always listened patiently
Although he was terribly sick he forced him self if to get up
While I made maby friends, I had to learn on my own
Adverbial clause : introduction
1) When we were in new york , we saw several plays
2) We saw several played when we were in New york
“When we were in New York” adalah suatu Adverb Clause. Ini adalah dependent clause. Jadi kalimat ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri sebagai suatu kalimat, harus dihubungjan dengan independent clause
3) Because he was sleepy, he want to bed
4) He want to bed because he was sleepy
5) Seperti when: Because memperkenalkan suatu adverb clause. Jadi “because he was sleepy” adlah suatu adverb clause
Summary list of wird used to introduce adverb clauses:
a) Time relationships
b) Cause and effact
c) Opposition : even though, though, although, whereas, while
d) Condition : If, unless, whenther
Using Adverb Clause to show time Relationships:
After : (a) After she graduates, she will get a job
(b) After she had graduated, she got a job
Before : (a) I had left before he cames
(b) I had left before he came
When : (a) When I arrived, he was talking on the phone
(b) When I got there, he had already left
While as : (a) While I was walking home, it began to rain
(b) As I was walking home, it began to rain
By the time : (a) By the time he arrived, we had already left
(b) By the time he comes, we will already have left
Since : (a) I haven`t seen him since he left this morning
Untill, till : (a) We stayed there untill we finished our work
(b) We stayed there till we finished our work
As soon as : (a) As soon as it stpos raining, we will leave
(b) Once it stops raining, we will leave
As long as : (a) I will never speak to him again as long as I live
So long as : (a) I will never speak to him again to long as I live
Whenever : (a) Whenever I see her, I say hello
Every time : (a) Every time I see her, I say hello
The first time : (a) The first time I went to new york, I went to an opera
The last time : (a) I saw two plays the last time I went to new york
The new time : (a) The new time I go to new york. I`m going to see a ballet
Using adverb clauses to show cause and effect relationship
Because : (a) Because he was sleepy, he want to bed
Since : (a) Since he`s not interested
1) Buku Cerdas Tata Bahasa Inggris, Redaksi Bukune, Bukune
2) Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J Lado, Titik Terang
3) Guidance To English Sentences, Ayu rini, Papas Sinar Sinanti
4) ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Haryono – Andrew MC. Car THY, Gita Media Press
5) Complete English Grammar and The Exercises, Dra. GraceWidjaja, PT. Bhuana Ilmu Populer
6) Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
7) Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs
I. Answer These Questions based on the text below!
Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest of Kalimantan. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle died.
The old hermit had nothing to eat now, so he turned to be a beggar. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him food anymore. He told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by. The boatman took pity on hermit and give him some padi seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvests if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the padi plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the padi was ready for harvesting. The old hermit got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away. When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful padi, the flocked to his padi-field and took home as much padi as they could.
One day, the hermit become so tired of harvesting the padi that he shouted, “Oh, stop growing, you wretched me things!” As soon as he said that, the padi plants turned into weeds.
1. Why did the padi plants turn into weeds? Because……
2. The main idea of paragraph 5 is ……
3. What kind of the text is it?
4. What is the major complication of the story?
5. Which statements is true about the hermit?
Text 2
A group of frogs were travelling through the woods.Two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told. ’’the pit is very deep. It’s difficult to climb up. You’d better die in the pit.’’
The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit again. The other frogs kept on telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frogs continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought that they were encouraging the entire time.
1. What is the type of the text?
2. “The frog explained that he was deaf.”
It means that the frog ….
3. The setting of the story is …..
4. Why did one of the frogs fall?
5. What does this story tell you?
Text 3
There was once a little fly who thought he was very important. He felt proud of himself. One sunny morning, he flew around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly down to talk him.
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull’s head. The bull did not bother him. He went on chewing grass.
The fly then buzzed right inside the bull’s ear. The bull continued chewing grass. The fly thought, “What a stupid animal!”
Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull’s horns to make the bull notice them. He waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quiet.
The fly then shouted angrily, “Oh, Bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away!”
The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone.”
1. Where is the setting of the story?
2. Who was the fly?
3. What did the fly do to the bull?
4. Why did the fly shouted angrily to the bull?
5. What is the message of the story?
Text 4
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is centrally located within the country on the northwest coast of Java Island at the mouth of the Ciliwung River. Jakarta dominates Indonesian’s administrative, economy, cultural activities, and is a major commercial and transportation hub within Asia. With a population of about 9 million, Jakarta has more people than any other cities in Indonesia. The climate is hot and humid year-round. Rainfall occurs throughout the year, although it is the heaviest from November to May. The average annual precipitation in Jakarta is 1,790 mm. The city lies on a flat, low plain and is prone to flooding during periods of heavy rainfall.
Kota is the city’s oldest commercial area. It is located south of the old Sunda Kelapa harbor. Glodok, the south of Kota is a banking, retail and residential neighborhood with a large Chinese population. Merdeka Square with Monas (The National Monument) dominates the city’s central district. Surrounding the square are Istana Merdeka, the presidential palace, the National Museum, and the Istiqlal Mosque.
1. What kind of the text is it?
2. How much population of Jakarta?
3. What does Indonesia dominate ?
4. Where is the locations of Kota?
5. What kind of climate is in Jakarta?
Text 5
The award-winning Shang Palace restaurant has appointed Liu Ching Hai as its new executive Chinese chef.
Named by Jakarta Kilni magazine as the most popular Chinese restaurant in town, Shang Palace promises that Liu will bring a fresh and new spirit to the restaurant.
Shang Palace is also famous for its sumptuous Dim Sum.
Starting his career at the age of 15, Liu has more than 20 years of culinary expensive.
Liu won the “Best Culinary Skill Award” competition organized by the Hong Kong Tourism Association in 1989.
1. Who is Liu Ching Hai ?
2. When did he start his career?
3. Shang Palace is also famous for its sumptuous Dim Sum.
The bold word means…….
Text 6
Adi : Oops. Sorry.
Boy : It’s okay. Oh, your books are wet.
Adi : It doesn’t matter. It’s my fault.
Boy : Here. I’ll wipe your books with my handkerchief.
Adi : No, thank you. It’s not necessary. Don’t worry about it.
1. What happened to Boy?
2. The underlined expression expresses……
3. Rina : How are you, Jono ?
Jono : I’m fine thanks, how about you?
Rina : I am fine, too. I am impressed … your performance.
4. Dara : Did you come to concert last night?
Anti : Yes, I did.
Dara : How was it?
Anti : ……
The sentence that cannot be used to complete the above dialogue
5. Bedu : Happy birthday to you.
Ruben : ……..
6. Lani : You look so beautiful with your blue blouse.
Umi : ………
1. The ship …… Medan last Sunday.
2. When father arrived home, we …….. chess.
3. Would you like ….. me a glass of water , please?
4. Rany said, “I will go to Jakarta”. The correct indirect sentence is….
5. Mother asks me, “Open the door!”. The correct indirect command is...
6. He …….. hard to prepare his exam everyday.
7. She has………………………
8. English is …….. (easy) than Mathematec.
9. Desta : Congratulation on your success, Nadia.
Nadia : ……..
10. The merchant …… his shop at seven every morning.
11. The gold is ……… than silver.
Do the questions based on each instruction!
1. Change the sentences into indirect sentences!
a. Toto said, “ I will study more diligent”.
b. Maryam asks me, “Why do you like English?”.
2. Complete the following dialogue using suitable expressions
Rany : I would like you to come to my party tonight.
Yani : ……………………………………………….
Rany : ……………………………………………….
3. Arrange these words into correct form of noun phrase!
a. A - long – hair – curly – girl.
b. new – book – English – expensive – The.
4. Put the correct form of the verb in the bracket!
1. My brother ……..(play) football every Sunday.
2. My mother…….(cook) in the kitchen everyday
3. A day ……. (have) 24 hours.
4. I ……. (read) newspaper every morning.
5. Write the sentences into correct form of degrees comparison using the word in bracket of the situation below!
Tuti is 155 cms, Hanny is 160 cms, and Mimy is 165 cms. (tall)
Answer These Questions based on the text below!
Long ago, there lived a poor woodsman and his wife. One day the wife sighed and said, "If only we could have a son, even he was only as tall as a thumb." The time went by, and in the end thee women gave birth to a little boy who was exactly as tall as a thumb, so they called Tom Thumb.
As the years went by, the boy remained small but he became a kind and intelligent boy. One day, it was necessary to take the cart and go and fetch his father, but his mother was unable to go. "I'll go," said Tom Thumb.
It seemed impossible that someone so small could hold the reins, but then he climbed into the horse's ear, so that he could speak and tell it where to go. When this happened, all the passers-by thought that the horse must be very intelligent, to be able to go places by itself.
A circus master who also noticed it wanted to buy it, only then he learned that he wanted to buy the tiny boy instead. However, Tom's father would not have sold him for all the gold in the world. Then, Tom Thumb convinced him by saying,' "You need the
money,, don't you, Dad? Sell me to the circus and leave everything up to me."
In fact, as soon as he got a chance, Tom Thumb ran away from the circus and . since he was so small, he was able to avoid being recaptured and make his way back home.
I: What is the text about?
2 The last paragraph mainly discusses
3: "....he became a kind and intelligent boy." (Paragraph 2)
The opposite of the underlined word is
4. According to you, the suitable title of the text is
5. The purpose of the text is.........
Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history. The domestication of animals began in the Neolithic Revolution 10-12 thousand years ago. People love this companionship due to some reasons.
One major advantage of having pets is that they can become one of peoples nearest and dearest companions. For instance, if someone lives alone, he will find a pet, very enjoyable.
Furthermore, the presence of an animal in the home may provide a greater feeling of security. In addition to this, pets often play a major role in disabled people's lives.
In conclusion, it is pleasurable of keeping pets at home. And we want to keep
pets at home, we should pay attention to the following. We should prepare budget for the pet's food, equipment (cages, collars, aquarium, etc) and veterinary care. Apart from this, if we decide to buy a pet, we should take into consideration our pet's needs before going anywhere.
1. What is the major advantage of having pets?
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 4?
3. The writer suggests that a pet owner should ....before going anywhere.
4. "...they can become one of people's..." (par.2) The word `they' refers to...
5. "Pets have accompanied mankind since the dawn of history." What is the opposite meaning of the word `dawn'?
. Warning!
Pointed and sharp items are not permitted in your hand baggage or carried on your person. These items should be placed in the check-in baggage.
11. What is the text about?
12. Where can you probably -find such a warning?
Nothing can replace the loss of a loved one...
But, life must go on and sometimes we have to live for others.
Just wanted you to know that I'm here for support, in whatever way I can! Bintang
1. What is the purpose of the card?
2. "Just want to know you that I'm here for support,...!".
3. "Nothing can replace the loved one..."
The word `replaced' has the same meaning with...
Good afternoon, friends. We will graduate from this school next year. So, this time allow me to ask you something. We'd better not scrawl our used school unifors when we have graduated. You know why? We can donate them to those who need them. We can also donate our used books. There are many youngsters who need our help. Let's do our best to help them. Thank you for listening.
1. What is the purpose of the text?.
2. "We can donate them..."
What does the word `them' refer to?
The Lower Mainland's Incredible SHOW CHORUS The Maple Leaf Singers 2012, The Night of Nights
Saturday, May 26, 7 p.m
Sunday, May.27, 3 p.m
Massey Theater 735 Eight Avenue, New Westminster
General Admission $20
Seniors / Students $18
Special Group and Advance Club pricing (until April 30 only) from
605.584.5928 or 605.520.3337
1. What is the brochure about?
2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
3. When will the event on Saturday start?
21. Woman :Let's play volleyball again.
Man : Don't you feel tired?
Woman : I do. But the game is enjoyable. Moreover, it is done on the beach like this.
If it is done in a volleyball court, it will be different.
What does the woman feel of playing volleyball?
22. Boy : It is already 2 p.m. Let's take a break.
Girl : O.K
Boy : What do you think about this air soft game?
Girl : ...
23. Man : Hey, you're crying! What happened?
Woman: 1 just broke up with my boyfriend.
Man : ...
24. Boy : You took my mobile and broke it, didn't you?
Girl : N, I didn't.
Boy :Yes, you did!
Girl : No, I didn't. How dare you say that to me! Give me the proof!
From the last sentence, we know that the girl feels...
25. Woman : My best friend has betrayed me many times. I don't think I can tolerate her
mistake this time.
Man : ...
26. Boy : Why are you crying? Has anybody hurt you? Tell me.
Girl : ...
1. Pita : We will go to the computer exhibition this afternoon, eight?
Maya: Yeah. We will go there... it doesn't rain.
2. Topan : Please be in a hurry!..., we will be late to school.
Indra : Yes.
3. Mrs. Teddy : Shanty, I have something for you.
Shanty : Thanks. Wow, it's a beautiful T-shirt! But I think it's too small for me. Mrs.
Teddy : Really? I will give it to your sister…….. it suits you.
4. Ayrin : Mom, I want to continue my study to Australia. Mrs. Welts : Please... .
There are many things to consider.
5. Please... anytime you need help.
6. Tuty didn't see Edgar in the meeting. He... yhe meeting room when she arrived.
7. Tony succeeded in the interview test because he ... himself well.
8. The students ... the story before they showed it to their teacher
35. Joan : Andy left for Jakarta yesterday.
Tino : Really? What about his paper? We cannot submit ours without his part.
Joan :Don't worry. He... it to me before he left.
36. Joan : Why does your brother look so sad?
Aisha : He looks sad... he lost his pet.
37. Leo : How long have you made friend with Sandra?
Tania : We have made friends... we were at the elementary school.
1. Rosa : Ferry, you look tired. Will you join the boyscout club? Ferry : Yup! I will join it... I am a bit tired
2. …. ... you do, I don't care.
3. I'll follow you …... you go.
Tiara : Vika, you look daydreaming. What's the matter?
Vika : Well, I'm confused. My parents will move to Medan and they ask me to to join.
Meanwhile, I prefer living here. I really love Yogyakarta. Tiara : Move to Medan?
Vika : Yeah. My father is promoted as a branch manager in Medan. Tiara : If you don't join them, how will you stay here?
Vika : i will live with my grandpa. You know, he lives in his town too. Tiara : Have you talked with your parents about it?
Vika : Yes, I have. However, they insist me to go with them. They don't want to live apart from me.
Tiara : I think you had better join them. It shows that they care for you. Vika : I know. But ... I will lose many good friends here.
Tiara : Don't worry. I believe that you will also have good friends there.
1. Why is Vika confused?
2. Where does Vika prefer living in?
3. Vika's parents insist Vika to go with them because ...
4 What does Tiara suggest about Vika's problem?
5. What makes Vika worry if she move to Medan?