

1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari


2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


Sembilan hari lama kalian telah berjuang, bertempur,erjakan soal-soal UKK tahun pelajaran 2011/2012. khusus untuk mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas X. 6,7,8,9 dan kelas XI IPA 4, IPS 1 dan IPS 2, bagi siswa-siswi yang pingin melihat nilai silahkan klik download yang ada pilihan menu atas, akan muncul pilihan Materi, Soal, Nilai, Media. pilih atau klik Nilai maka kalian akan di antar ke google site saveriyaji, pada beranda pilih NILAI akan muncu pilih nilai yang ada, pilih nilai UKK kelas XI atau Kelas X terus klik tampilkan akan muncul daftar nilai kalian silahkan dilihat sendiri. Bagi yang tidak tuntas silahkan kerjakan soal UKK bahasa Inggris kelas X atau Kelas XI 20112012. jawaban agar di poskan pada komentar dibawah soal tersebut dengan satu syarat kalian memiliki google acount atau punya atau kirim ke e_mail : . sekian terima kasih selamat mengerjakan


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Friday, 8 June 2012

Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas X 2011/2012

17 August 2005

Dear Dewi,
On Saturday, I went to Mount Bromo. I stayed at Nisa and Achmad's house at Cemara Lawang, Probolinggo. It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a fish pond.
On Sunday, Nisa and I saw Gunung Batok and went on the scenic ride on horseback. It was scary. Then we went to get a closer to look at the mountain. We took pictures of the beautiful sceneries there.
On Monday, we went to the zoo at Wonokromo. We saw cockatoos having a shower. In the afternoon I went home. It was fun.

Love, Dini
1. What kind of text is it? It is
a. Spoof d. procedure
b. Narrative e. news
c. Recount
2. Who wrote the letter?
a. Achmad d. the writer
b. Dini e. all of them
c. Nisa
3. Does the last paragraph express a personal opinion regarding the events described?
a. Yes, it is d. Yes, It does
b. No, It is not e. Yes, it doesn't
c. No, it was
4. When did Dini went home?
a. In the morning d. In the night
b. In the afternoon e. Yesterday
c. In the evening
5. The series of event is described in paragraph
a. One d. two and three
b. Three e. two
c. One and two
6. A : What did you eat yesterday?
B : I bakso.
a. eat d. eaten
b. eats e. ate
c. to eat
7. Rida, Sita, and Dewi singers. Now they are housewife.
a. are d. been
b. have been e. will be
c. were
8. My brother rides
a. a new big black motorcycle
b. a big new black motorcycle
c. a motorcycle new big black
d. a black new big motorcycle
e. a new motorcycle black big

9. Ani is good ……. singing
a. at d. of
b. by e. in
c. of
10. Eve : Wow, you look handsome! Adam
a. Thank you very much
b. I am sorry to hear that
c. I'm so proud of you
d. What a shame
e. To me, the food is OK
11. He said, " ".
a. I like you very much
b. I liked you very much
c. He likes me very much
d. He liked me very much,
e. He had liked me very much.

Natural Bridge National Park
Natural bridge national park is luscious tropical rainforest. It is located 110 kilometer south Brisbane and is reached by following the pacific highway to Nerang and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This scenic roadway lies in the shadow of the Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural `arch' and the cave through which waterfall cascades is a short one- kilometerss walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offer toilets, barbecue, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.

12. What is the function of paragraph 1? As...
a. an identification d. a classification
b. an orientation e. an abstract
c. an orientation

13. What kind of the text is it?
a. Hortatory exposition d. Description
b. Narrative e. Report
c. Explanation

14. What is the communicative purpose of the text?
a. To present two points of views about natural bridge national park
b. To explain the bridge national park
c. To describe the bridge national park
d. To retell the bridge national park
e. To persuade readers to treat preserve the bridge national park.

15. The most grammatical features found in the texts are in the
a. Simple present tense d. simple past tense
b. Reported speech e. passive voice
c. Conditional sentences

16. The word " picnic" has the same meaning with
a. visit d. go
b. come e. do
c. tour

17. Toni : I have been chosen as the captain of the football team
Rima : …….
a. Thank you d. That's great.
b. Congratulation e. Are you come
c. Sorry, please!

18. Rusdi : Look! The small river runs swiftly down the valley.
Andy : Wow ………..
a. Are you cold? d. what a lovely dress!
b. What a beautiful e.

19. "Do you have driving license?" asked the policeman.
The policeman asked me whether I ….. driving license.
a. having d. is having
b. b. had e. had had
c. has

20. "Don't smoke!" my teacher said.
I was prohibited by my teacher ….. smoke.
a. To d. not being
b. not to e. to not
c. don't

Text for number 21 - 25
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Sembiring
Invite you to share the joy
of the marriage uniting their daughter
Alice Sembiring
Jeffry Sitorus
Friday, the thirteenthh of June two thousand and eight
At three o'clock in the afternoon
Gajah Wong Restaurant
Jln. Affandi Yogyakarta

21. The purpose of the text is to invite
a. To attend Mr and Mrs. Sembiring's marriage.
b. To unite Alice and Jeffry in a wedding party
c. To attend Alice and Jeffry's wedding party
d. To marry with Mr and Mrs. Sembiring
e. To inform about marriage Mr and Mrs. Sembiring

22. Where will the party held?
a. Mr and Mrs. Sembiring's house
b. At Gajah Wong Restaurant
c. Jeffry's house
d. On Jln. Affandy Yogyakarta
e. Alice and Jeffry's house

23. When does they have marriage?
a. Friday, 31St June 2008 d. Friday, 31St June
b. 2008 e. in the afternoon
c. Friday, 30 th June 2008

Text for number 24-25
The head of this regency, Mr. Harjono, is going to visit our school tomorrow, Tuesday. All students should wear the new batik uniforms and gather in the school hall at 9:30 to do the welcoming ceremony. The learning Process before and after the ceremony is done as usual. Please be informed.
Indrawan Headmaster

24. What is the announcement about?
a. The new batik uniforms d. The visit of the head of the regency
b. The welcoming ceremony e. The teaching learning process
c. The program of the school

25. Below are the things the students should do, except
a. Study in the class before and after the ceremony
b. Gather in the school hall at 9:30 a.m.
c. Do a welcoming speech
d. Wear batik uniforms
e. The ceremony is done us usual.

26. Adon : Did you know that Angelina Jolie wants to adopt more children?
Olin : Really?
The underlined word described
a. Satisfacition d. surprise
b. Agreement e. opinion
c. Certainty

27. Irene : What kind a house do you live in?
Satrio : I live in ……
a. a house big house d. a colonial house style big
b. a big house colonial style e. a big colonial style house
c. a style colonial big house

28. Laila : Did both of you enjoy yourselves at the party
Jane : Yes we did. We really had ....
a. A saddening time d. an incredible time
b. A wonderful time e. an awful time
c. A terrible time

29. Patrick : A very attractive nurse has helped him.
Bob : He's very lucky.
The italicized word means
a. Nice d. friendly
b. Thoughtful e. pretty
c. Modest

30. Javanese ……. by some people in Suriname.
a. is spoken d. be spoken
b. speaking e. spoke
c. is speaking

Text for number 31 - 35
Earthquake Jolts Japan Capital
TOKYO (Reuters) - A slight earthquake jolted the Japanese capital last night but authorities said there were no immediate reports of casualties or damage.
A spokesman for the Japan meteorological agency said, "An earth tremor was registered in Tokyo but there are no reports of casualties or damage.
The earth tremor struck shortly after midnight Tokyo time.
Residents of central Tokyo said the tremor was the strongest in several months in the capital.
(Taken from: Bangkok Post, 2004)

31. What kind of the text is it? It is
a. Narrative d. recount
b. Description e. news item
c. Procedure

32. What is the headline of the news?
a. A Slight Earthquake in Japanese Capital
b. Japan meteorological agency
c. An earth tremor
d. The strongest tremor in Japan
e. A Sopkesman of the Japan meteorology

33. Were there any victim and damage?
a. Yes, there was d. No, there were not
b. Yes, there were e. No, there are not.
c. No, there is not

34. What did the Tokyo residents say?
a. He said that the tremor is the strongest in several months in the capital
b. He says that the tremor is the strongest in several months in the capital
c. He said that the tremor was the strongest in several months in the capital.
d. He says that the tremor was the strongest in several months in the capital
e. He says, "the tremor is the strongest in several months in the capital.

35. The earth tremor struck shortly after midnight
The italicized word has the same meaning with
a. Damage d. visit
b. Hit e. hold
c. Held

36. The thief to the jail yesterday.
a. throw d. thrown
b. was throwing e. was throwing
c. has been throwing

37. Asti : Would you like to come to my party tonight?
Doni :
What is the suitable respond of the dialogue?
a. Thank you. d. You are welcome
b. I'd love to. e. Don't mention it
c. Wow..

38. This house is than that house.
a. big d. more big
b. bigger e. biggest
c. the most biggest

39. The man who wears blue shirt is the ……. of all them
a. taller d. tallest
b. tall e. most tallest
c. more tall

40. What does "dairy" mean?
a. Poultry product d. monk product
b. Vegetable e. book to write daily experience
c. Book to write poem


Do the question based on each instruction!
1. Rearrange the sentences into a good paragraph!
a. It covers an area of 8,000 square kilometers.
b. It is situated in North Sumatera.
c. The Lauser National Park is the park in South East Asia.
d. It is a part of Bukit Barisan range of mountain.

2. Complete the dialogues using suitable expression!
I . Man : Would you like something to drink?
Woman : ………..
2. Ely : You are to be headmaster, aren't you Mr. Karma?
Mr. Kurnia : That's right.
Ely : on your promotion.
Mr. Kurnia : …….. Ely.

3. Change the sentences into passive voice!
a. The man are driving the car
b. My mother bought some vegetables.

4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form of Degrees Comparison!
a. Suramadu bridge is (small) than Golden Gate Bridge.
b. My mother's cooking is (delicious) than my cooking.
c. Doni is the (tall) boy in my class.
d. Maryam is (beautiful) than Marry.

5. Mention how to open/close the program!

Soal UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI 2011/2012

One day a fox was bragging to a cat. "I'm so smart. I know a lot of tricks, I know a hundred different ways to escape from my enemies."
"That's wonderful!" said the cat. "I only know one trick. Can you teach me some of yours?" "Well, may be," said the fox.
At the moment they heard a pack of wild dogs running toward them. The cat ran up a tree and disappeared. "This is the trick, I told you about, said the cat. "It's my only one. Which trick are you going to use?"
The fox sat there trying to decide which trick to use. He thought for a long time. Then, decided to run. But it was too late. The wild dogs got there before he could run away and ate him up.1. The main idea of paragraph I is that....
a. the fox was the cat's enemies
b. the fox was a boastful animal
c. the fox had a lot of enemies
d. there were many ways to escape from enemies
e. the fox knew a lot of tricks to beat his enemies

2. What happened to the fox when some wild dogs ran toward him?
a. He sat still. d. He was killed by the wild dogs.
b. He climbed up the tree. e. He disappeared to avoid the wild dogs.
c. He showed his only trick.

3. Which statement is TRUE according to the text?
a. The cat was smarter than the fox.
b. The fox and the cat had the same tricks.
c. The fox could avoid the wild dogs running toward him.
d. The fox had a hundred ways to escape from his enemies.
e. The fox could teach the cat how to escape from his enemies.

4. What could we learn from the fox?
a. A wise man will not easily be deceived.
b. People do not always think what they say.
c. Clever people do not need lengthy explanation.
d. To get the best in life, one must not easily contented.
e. A person's action are more important than what she/he says.

5. "At the moment they heard a pack of wild dogs running toward them." (par. 4)
What does the word `they' refer to?
a. The wild dogs. d. The cat and the dogs.
b. The fox and the dogs. e. The fox, the cat and the dogs.
c. The fox and the cat.

Some people have problem to sleep. Of course it will disturb their daily activities. Well, sleeping is very important for human beings. Did you know why?
You know, sleep is a simple and natural way of relaxation. After a good night's sleep, we wake up refreshed and relaxed. In sleep, we enter the different world of our fantasy. While we sleep, our sub¬conscious mind takes us on a trip and our tired mind is rested and relaxed. Every part of our body will have its rest. Further, the refreshment of our mind and body will increase the power and effectiveness of all our faculties.
Considering the importance of sleeping, I think we should have enough sleep. And if someone has a sleeping problem, he/she should find the cause and overcome it. Otherwise, it will have a bad impact on their activities during the day.

6. What is the text mainly about?
a. How long we should sleep every day. d. What happens while we are sleeping.
b. Some problems dealing with sleep. e. The refreshment of our mind and body.
c. The importance of sleep.

7. What is the simple and natural way of relaxation?
a. Playing a sport. d. Visiting a tourist resort.
b. Sleeping. e. Hanging out with friends.
c. Sighting.

8. The following are the reasons why sleep is a good way of relaxation, except...
a. We will wake up refreshed
b. Our tired mind is rested while sleeping
c. We enter a different world of our fantasy while sleeping
d. We often have dreams while sleeping e. All parts of our body will rest while sleeping

9. What does the writer suggest that the readers should do?
a. We should relax when we lose our enthusiasm and feel ourselves miserable.
b. We should spend our spare time by sleeping.
c. We should have enough sleep.
d. We should sleep soundly.
e. We should always relax.

10. "...feel ourselves miserable,...."
The opposite meaning of the word `miserable' is...
a. angry d. tired
b. frustration e. delightful
c. shocked

Live Chicken for Dinner
A landowner from Seoul went to visit his farmer in the countryside and was treated to a grand dinner of boiled chicken.
In the course of the meal, the farmer's youngest son ran in, shouting, "There it is! He's eating the dead chicken."
The landowner thought that he had been served a long-dead chicken. So he put down his chopsticks and told the servant to clear the table, politely saying, "This is enough for me. My stomach can't take any more food."
Just then, the boy started eating the chicken's legs greedily, saying at the same time, "Oh, this is
really delicious."
"Why are you eating the dead chickens?" asked the surprised landowner. "Who eats live chickens?" replied the boy.

11. What is the text about?
a. A landowner from Seoul.
b. A landowner an his farmer.
c. A farmer's youngest son.
d. Having live chicken for dinner ,
e. A landowner who was tricked by his farmer's son.

12. what is the purpose or the text
a. To describe a particular thing. d. To explain something.
b. To tell past events with humorous twist. e. To show how to do something step by step.
c. To entertain the readers.

13. How did the landowner tell the farmer that he had eaten enough food?
a. Rudely. d. Angrily.
b. Politely. e. Friendly.
c. Harshly.

14. Why did the boy shout "There it is! He's eating dead chicken" ? Because..
a. he wanted to eat live chicken.
b. He wanted to eat boiled chicken.
c. He wanted to make the man ashamed.
d. He wanted to eat the dead chicken with the man.
e. He didn't want the landowner to get stomachache because of the dead chicken.

15. "Just then, the boy started eating the chicken's legs greedily..." (par. 4) The underlined word can be replaced by ... a. safely d. gluttonously
b. carefully e. dangerously
c. honestly

One day, Julian met his father and said his problem in a different way. "Dad, would you like to save some money?" asked Julian. His father replied, "I certainly would, son, any suggestions?" " Sure, Why not buy me a bike, then I won't wear my shoes out so fast?" explained Julian.
16. What did Julian actually want?
a. New shoes. d. A saving account.
b. A new bike. e. A new school bag.
c. Some money.

17. Which of following statements is true based on the text?
a. Julian's shoes are worn out so fast.
b. Julian likes riding on his bike fast.
c. Julian's father doesn't like to save money.
d. Julian wants to save money in a bank.
e. Julian's father always goes to his office on foot.

18. "His father replied, "I certainly would, son. Any suggestions?"
The word `replied' can be best replaced by ...
a. exclaimed d. responded
b. requested e. guessed c. pretended


19. What does the man want?
a. An iPad d. To chat with the girl.
b. A junky laptop. e. To make friend with the girl.
c. A desktop computer.

20. "Walk around with it and at least people will think you're cool."
What does the word `it' refer to?
a. A junky ol laptop. d. An iPad box.
b. A new iPad. e. An old iPad.
c. The girl's iPad.
Woman : Your trousers are torn. What happened"
Boy : I fell from the bike, Mom.
Woman : Did you get hurt?
Boy : Thanks God I didn't. But I was very embarrassed.

21. Who are talking in the dialog?
a. Two classmates. d. A teacher and a Student
b. Two best friends. e. A mother and a son.
c. A seller and a buyer.

22. What made the boy very embarrassed?
a. He had fallen from a tree. d. His mother was angry at him.
b. He had been beaten in a bike racing. e. His bike had hit a tree.
c. His trousers were torn.

23. Man : Where is the English storybook? I really need it now.
Woman : I saw it on Rina's table. Maybe she borrowed it.
Man : She should have told me first. She really makes me mad.
What makes the man angry?
a. Rina has lost his book.
b. Rina has torn his book.
c. Rina has forgotten to bring his book.
d. Rina has told a lie about his book.
e. Rina has borrowed his book without his permission.

24. Girl : Huh, the long queue really makes me annoyed!
Boy :
a. Are you sure? d. It's none of my business.
b. That's good for you. e. You must be disappointed.
c. Please be patient.

25. Man : You must have forgotten to turn off the gas.
Now, look! The house is on fire!
Woman :
a. The gas has made a great explosion.
b. I am not sure I can do it well.
c. It's really embarrassing that you could not do it well.
d. I am sorry to hear that your house is on fire.
e. It's not from our house. It's from our neighbor's.

26. Man : I am really ashamed of you. You were easily beaten in the game.
Why is that? If you had practiced hard, it wouldn't have happened.
Woman :
a. Sorry, I promise it won't happen again. d. I know how you feel.
b. It is none of my business. e. We can learn from it.
c. It was embarrassing.

27. Girl : When I was having dinner, I spilt my coffee on the waiter's skirt.
Boy :
a. Let me check it. d. Let me help you clean it.
b. That's good for you. e. What an embarrassing experience!
c. Are you sure?

28. The boys have the photographer ... their picture.
a. take d. took
b. taking e. to take
c. takes
29. George's hair is too long. He has his hair ...
a. to cut d. cut
b. cut e. to cutting
c. cutting

30. My father has no time to repair our TV, so we will have it ....
a. repair d. repaired
b. repairs e. to repair
c. repairing

31.picture .. .
a. mend d. mended
b. mends e. to mend
c. mending

32. The room is very dirty, you must have it ...
a. clean d. to clean
b. cleaning e. to be cleaned
c. cleaned

33. I got the table moved to another room. This means ...
a. I wanted someone to move the table to another room myself.
b. Someone asked me to move the table to another room.
c. I asked someone to move the table to another room.
d. I myself move the table to another room.
e. I had to move the table myself to another room.

34. They are going to get their house ...
a. designing d. to be designed
b. designed e. designs
c. design

35. She got her brother ... the toys for her yesterday.
a. repair d. repairing
b. to repair e. repaired
c. repairs

36. The teacher gets the students ... to the passage twice.
a. listen d, to listen
b. listened e. have listened
c. listening

37. By the end of this month, I ... my assignment.
a. will finish d. finish
b. will have finished e. was finishing
c. am finishing

38. By tomorrow, I ... all my works.
a. will write d. will be writing
b. will be written e. will have been written.
c. will have written

39. Please, believe that I ... the letters by the time you come back.
a. will send d. will be sent
b. will have sent e. will have been sent
c. will be sending

40. They ... the office by three o'clock this afternoon.
a. will have left d. will leave
b. will be left e. will be leaving
c. will have been left

A man went to the doctor and said, "Doctor, wherever I touch, it hurts." The doctor asked, "What do you mean?"
The man said, "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts If I touch my knee - OUR When I touch my forehead, it really, really hurts."
The doctor said, "I know what's wrong with you - you have broken your finger!"

Answer the following questions based on the text above!
1. Where did the story take place?
2. What happened to the man?
3. Which part of his body was really injured?
4. "When I touch my shoulder, it really hurts."
What does the word `it' in the sentence refer to?
5. What is the similar meaning of the word `to hurt'?

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Manfaat Blog Bagi Dunia Pendidikan

Sakra mania, blog telah menjadi gaya hidup. Kegiatan blogging telah menjamur di mana-mana dari berbagai kalangan dan setiap elemen masyarakat. Entah itu hanya sebagai buku harian, ungkapan opini, ide, kreatifitas hingga untuk meraup penghasilan lebih dari berbagai macam bisnis dunia maya.munculnya keragaman dalam dunia blog senidiri maka terciptalah sebuah dunia maya yang sangat kompleks dan saling melengkapi tak jauh bedanya dengan dunia nyata. Dengan mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat, media sosialisasi (online), mempererat persahabatan, membangun sebuah komunitas, hingga menambah penghasilan dan lain sebagainya. Dari situlah blog bisa menjadi sebuah candu bagi seseorang, hingga tak heran kalau ada seseorang yang rela menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di dunia maya.
Namun Blog tidak hanya untuk hal tersebut, Blog juga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk dunia pendidikan. Misalnya untuk mengembangkan proses transfer ilmu.
Dalam konteks dunia pendidikan, guru dan murid perlu terlebih dahulu diperkenalkan kepada konsep pembelajaran elektronik dan blog beserta manfaat-manfaatnya, yang sudah dibeberkan di atas tadi.
Berikut ini merupakan manfaat blog bagi dunia pendidikan :
1. Mendorong siswa untuk selalu mendokumentasikan apa yang ada di dalam pikiran mereka, termasuk di antaranya adalah pengetahuan, pengalaman, perasaan, pendapat, dan lain-lain, dengan metode yang paling sesuai dengan kepribadian masing-masing, apakah itu lewat tulisan, gambar, suara, atau video. Hal ini, selain berguna sebagai ajang latihan mengungkapkan ide-ide yang terpendam, juga berguna untuk penghematan biaya dalam hal publikasi gagasan karena dengan media blog, sebuah gagasan tidak perlu dimuat dalam ribuan lembar kertas agar dapat terpublikasi secara luas. Setiap buah pikiran yang berhasil mereka dokumentasikan, sebaiknya diberi apresiasi agar mereka juga semakin terpacu untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan yang mereka punya. Apresiasi tersebut tidak harus berupa materi, tapi bisa juga berupa tanggapan, pengakuan, pujian, dan bahkan kritikan atas apa yang mereka berhasil dokumentasikan.
2. Menggantikan kelas-kelas diskusi yang selama ini selalu terbatas pada waktu dan sebuah ruangan fisik, sehingga proses pembelajaran pun dapat diselenggarakan dengan lebih fleksibel.
3. Cara yang efektif untuk meningkatkan minat belajar para siswanya. Misalnya seorang guru memposting suatu permasalahan atau materi pelajaran yang disusun dalam suatu bahasa yang formal tetapi lebih santai. Para siswanya kemudian bisa blogwalking ke blog tersebut dan kegiatan belajar mengajar pun bisa menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Materi pelajaran yang diposting melalui media blog bisa menjadi sebuah konten hebat yang bermanfaat bagi kemajuan dunia pendidikan.
4. Memperkenalkan teknologi internet di kalangan pelajar dan pengajar, juga bisa menjadi terobosan baru di dunia pendidikan. By the way, teknologi yang semakin canggih ini asal dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan suatu perubahan besar, tidak hanya di bidang pendidikan, bahkan mencakup semua bidang.

Diposkan oleh Remaja Kontemporer