1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
2. Memahami makna teks fungsional pendek dan teks monolog sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan
6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk recount, narrative, dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji
2.1 Merespon makna secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
3.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/ undangan, menerima janji, dan membatalkan janji
4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan dll.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Monday, 12 December 2011
41. Complete these sentences by using of linking verb!
a. A spider …………. Eight legs
b. The blue whale ………. the largest animal ever known
c. Spiders ……….. to arachnids
d. A komodo ………… like a dragon
42. Complete these sentences by using of conjunctions!
a. I hung the poor creature ……… it was died
b. I seized the cat, took a small knife out of my pocket …….. cut one of its eyes out.
c. ……… my wife had been buried in the wall, the police came to my house
d. The village was flooded …….. it had been raining continuously for several days
43. Complete these sentences by using of passive voice form!
a. Even desert areas ……….. (tame) and cultivated.
b. The oil companies ………. (require) to give proof of their capability of extracting the oil economically.
c. Applications …… (accept) for a period of sixty days, beginning March 1.
d. This …… (consider) a very important development.
44. Write four sentences by using of conditional sentence type II that you know!
45. Arrange the adverbs normally in manner, place, and time :
a. Radio arrived (at 7 p.m., in London, on Saturday, by train)
b. Our teacher spoke to us (rudely, during the first session, in the front of class)
c. She went (at 6 o’clock, this morning, to school)
d. A bomb exploded (in this place, loudly, at 5 o’clock, on Sunday, last summer)
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
1. Dimas : Would you accompany me to the internet?
Bonar :
Dimas : Thanks. I really appreciate it.
a. I’m disappointed
b. I’m not so sure
c. Sure
d. Not at all
e. I don’t know
2. Boni : How was your trip to Nias?
Yudha : ... with it. I want to go there again next year.
a. I’m very pleased
b. I’m really disappointed
c. I’m very displeased
d. I’m very unsatisfied
e. I’m not happy 2
1. Endang : How was your visit to the museum?
Ayu : It was closed when I got there. ... about it.
Endang : I’m sorry to hear that.
a. I’m satisfied
b. I’m happy
c. I’m really content
d. I’m very disappointed
e. I’m delighted
2. Arum : What do you think is the effective way to reduce global warming?
Della : ... planting trees is one of the effective ways to reduce global warming.
a. I don’t know
b. How do you see
c. I’m not sure
d. In my opinion
e. Are you certain that
3. Aspani : ... We help reduce global warming?
Rini : I think we can help reduce global warming through saving energy and recycling.
a. What do
b. Why should
c. How can
d. When can
e. Where should
4. Aldo : ... I would stay away from drugs.
Tius : Yes, I know. I’ll stay away from it.
a. I don’t want to say that
b. I wouldn’t say
c. If I were you
d. I don’t think
e. Don’t think
5. Nanis : ... get persuaded by drug peddlers.
Matias : OK. Don’t worry I won’t.
a. Make sure you
b. Make sure you don’t
c. I think you should
d. Be sure you
e. You’d better
6. Elang : Look, the library is still open.
Endra : ... I thought we can’t make it.
a. This is horrible!
b. I’m very unsatisfied!
c. Oh, this is bad!
d. Thank goodness!
e. This is so disappointing!
7. Agung :
Candra : I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.
a. Thank goodness!
b. What a relief!
c. Whew!
d. Terrific!
e. Ouch!
8. Bella : What do you think of the book?
Ajeng : ... I really love it.
a. It’s terrific!
b. It’s disappointing!
c. It’s very unsatisfying!
d. It’s horrible!
e. It’s displeasing!
II. Read the text and choose the correct answer for every question below.
Questions 11-17 are based on the manual below.
New York (city), the largest city in the United States, the home of the United Nations,
and the center of global finance, communications, and business. New York City is unusual
among cities because of its high residential density, its extraordinarily diverse population,
its hundreds of tall office and apartment buildings, its thriving central business district, its
extensive public transportation system, and its more than 400 distinct neighborhoods. The
city’s concert houses, museums, galleries, and theaters constitute an ensemble of cultural
richness rivaled by few cities. In 2000 the population of the city of New York was 8,008,278;
the population of the metropolitan region was 21,199,865. New York City consists of five
boroughs they are Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, The Bronx, and Manhattan.
There are so many attractive places in the city. One of its most popular landmarks is
the statue of liberty. It is a symbol of freedom for many, was one of the first sights to welcome
immigrants arriving in the United States. The statue stands 93 m (305 ft) tall on Liberty
Island in New York Harbor. It was designed by French sculptor Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi
and is a gift from France commemmorating the first centennial of U.S. independence from
New York’s 250 museums cater to every specialty and every taste. It has museums
in such fields as natural history, broadcasting, fire-fighting, crafts, and ethnic cultures. As
the world’s greatest art center, New York City has more than 400 galleries and is a mecca for artists, art dealers, and collectors. Madison Avenue between 57th and 86th Streets is the most important locale for galleries, but dozens of others are located in SoHo (south of Houston Street) and adjoining neighborhoods.
New York also has a famous botanical garden. It is called Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 21-
hectare (52-acre) botanic garden, located in the borough of Brooklyn, in New York City. The
garden includes such attractions as the Children’s Garden, the first of its kind in the world.
Taken from: Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007. © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
9. What is the text about?
a. Washington D.C.
b. The statue of Liberty
c. New York boroughs
d. The culture of New York
e. New York City
10. The following is true about New York, except ...
a. It have a botanical garden
b. It is the home of the statue of Liberty
c. It has 250 museums
d. It consists of four boroughs
e. It has more than 500 galleries
11. Where is the statue of liberty located?
a. Liberty Island
b. Brooklyn
c. SoHo
d. Manhattan
e. Queens
12. What does the word commemorating in the second paragraph means?
a. Acknowledgement
b. Ignore
c. Memorize
d. celebration
e. Memorializing
13. What does the word “it” in the last paragraph refers to?
a. New York
b. Brooklyn
c. Children’s garden
d. Museum
e. Botanical garden
14. How many galleries are there in New York?
a. 400
b. More than 400
c. Less than 400
d. Not more than 500
e. More less than 350
15. SoHo is the acronym of ...
a. South of Honolulu
b. South of Hillside
c. South of Hoboken
d. South of Houston
e. South of Hackensack
Questions 18-23 are based on the following text.
Should Americans be Forced to Use Public Transportation?
by Jack Davis
First, let me define what the question is and isn’t asking. It isn’t asking if we should we all abandon cars right now, nor is it asking if we should abandon them completely, nor is it asking if every American should do so. It is asking whether some Americans should have to take public transit some of the time, and I would say yes.
Oil use and pollution aside, in some cities like Los Angeles and New York there just isn’t room for any more roads, so in order for large cities to grow, they need more people to take public transit or risk permanent traffic jam. One bus can safely hold 40 people, so even at half capacity that’s nearly 20 cars’ worth of space in traffic cleared up, and nearly 20 parking spaces that don’t need to be built.
There are a lot of people that can take public transit with little inconvenience but simply don’t because they never have in the past. If residents in areas with plenty of transit had to buy transit passes as part of their property taxes then they would have little excuse not to bus occasionally. A number of universities already bundle a ‘U-Pass’ with their tuition fees, forcing their students to take the bus. When given the chance the majority of those students have voted to keep these programs.
A similar system in apartments where a portion of the tenants are not issued parking
spaces in exchange for a discount on their rent would also be forcing people to use public
transit. This is already being done with the assignment of one community car to several
apartment tenants that arrange a schedule for the car, and this program gets many positive
So yes, I would say that Americans should be forced to use public transit, as Americans whom are already forced to do so find that it works well for them.
Taken from:
16. What does the writer suggest?
a. Americans should learn to use public transportations.
b. American should give up their cars.
c. Americans should be forced to use public transportations.
d. The government should limit the number cars.
e. The government should charge extra taxes for those who uses cars.
17. The following is one of the writer’s suggestions in forcing people to use public transportations
a. Make people buy transit passes as part of their property taxes.
b. Banning the use of cars.
c. Stop automobiles productions.
d. Fine people who do not use public transportations.
e. Limit the number of gasoline.
18. What is the purpose of the article?
a. Defining the functions of public transportations.
b. Arguing that American should not use public transportations.
c. Suggesting American the ways to use public transportation.
d. Asking for more public transportations.
e. Suggesting that American should be forced to use public transportations.
19. What is the function of the first paragraph?
a. Repeating the thesis or proposal
b. Stating the proposal
c. Stating the reasons behind the thesis
d. Describing the problem
e. Giving arguments
20. In the article you find the word transit a few times. What does it means?
a. Stop
b. Transportation
c. Exit
d. Entrance
e. Bus stop
21. What is the function of the last paragraph?
a. Describing the problem
b. Stating the reasons behind the thesis
c. Giving arguments
d. Stating the proposal
e. Repeating the thesis or proposal
Questions 24-30 are based on the following text.
The Jackal who Saved the Lion
Once upon a time, there lived a lion in a forest. One day, when he went to drink water in
a river, one of his feet got stuck into the damp mushy mud of the river. He tried a lot to get out
of the mud, but didn’t achieve. He had to lie without food for days because he didn’t find any
help. On one fortunate day, a kind jackal came to drink water from the river. When he saw
the lion, he went closer to the lion and said, “What is the matter? Why are you resting here?”
The lion narrated him the pathetic story. The Jackal instantly made a way out from the sand but the lion was unable to move his feet. As he was set in the same posture for last several days, his body became stiff. The jackal understood the condition of the lion and helped him to get out of the mud with an extra effort. The Lion was really thankful to jackal for his kind help. He was very happy to get free after so many days.
The Lion appreciated the effort made by the jackal. He offered the jackal to live close to him and also promised to give food to him whenever he caught food. The jackal accepted the offer and started living with the lion. Thus, they lived happily sharing the food. With the passing time, they expanded their families. The lion had cubs and the jackal had kid jackals. Both, the lion and the jackal were passing their days happily. They didn’t have any idea that their friendship was not liked by their families.
One day after a long time, the lioness, lady of the lion’s house, told her cubs that she didn’t like the amity between the jackal and her husband. The cubs passed the message to the kid jackals. The kids complained the matter to the lady jackal. The lady jackal passed the complaint to her husband.
The jackal went to the Lion and asked,” I helped you without any thought in return. You had asked me to live with you, so I started living with you. Now, if you don’t want me to live with you, you should have told me yourself. What did you involve your wife and cubs to convey this? “. The Lion was shocked to hear such words. He said, “My dear friend, what are you saying? I don’t find any problem with you or your friendship”. He assured the jackal that he had no such ill-feelings for the friendship between them.
The Lion also assured that he would talk to the lioness and solve the whole matter. The
jackal was intelligent and understood the situation. He said to the lion, “Dear friend, I know
you are sincere, but our families could not exactly respond the same level of friendship. So, let us stay apart and meet often as friends. We could also hunt together. It would be better, if our families stay apart”. The Lion agreed to the proposal with a heavy heart.
The two families parted from each other as friends. The Jackal and the Lion continued to share the friendship. They often met each other and hunt together. Thus, the two friends shared a healthy friendship throughout their life.
Taken from:
22. What is the story about?
a. The friendship between the Lion and the Jackal family.
b. The rivalry between the Lion and the Jackal.
c. The evilness of the Lioness.
d. The friendship between a lion and the jackal.
e. The thoughtfulness of the Lion.
23. Who are the main characters of the story?
a. The lion’s family and the Jackal’s family
b. The Lion and The Jackal
c. The Lioness and the Lady Jackal
d. The lion cubs and the Jackal kids
e. The Lion and the Jackal’s family
24. What does the lion do in return of the Jackal’s help?
a. He told the Jackal to always hunt with him.
b. He told the Jackal to live with him in his house.
c. He told the Jackal to live near the Lion and give him food.
d. He gave him a home.
e. He gave him a present.
25. What did the lioness feels of the lion’s and the jackal’s friendship?
a. She was not pleased.
b. She was pleased.
c. She was delighted.
d. She was happy about it.
e. She was content about it.
26. From whom did the jackal heard that the lion’s family doesn’t like the friendship between
a. The Lion
b. The lion cubs
c. The kid Jackals
d. The lady Jackal
e. The Lioness
27. The synonym of the word amity in the fourth paragraph is...
a. rival
b. rivalry
c. enemy
d. opposition
e. friendship
28. How did the story end?
a. The Lion and the Jackal lived apart but still be friends.
b. The Jackal’s and the Lion’s friendship ends.
c. The Lion and the Jackal still live together and hunt together.
d. The Lion and the Jackal lived apart and doesn’t hunt together.
e. The Jackal is very angry and cannot accept the Lion as his friend anymore.
Friday, 9 September 2011
English Daily Examination for class XI
English Daily Examination
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Expressions adalah beberapa jenis ungkapan yang lazim dipakai dalam berkomunikasi atau percakapan.
1. Introduction
I’d like to introduce myself, ______
Let me introduce myself, ______
Allow me to introduce myself, ______
Let me introduce you to ______
This is ______
2. Greeting and Leave –Taking
(Selamat / Bertemu dan Berpisah)
How do you do ?
How are you ?
How are you doing ?
How is life ?
It is nice to meet you
I am very happy to meet you
Good morning, afternoon, evening, night
Good bye
See you later
See you soon
3. Gratitude and Appreciation
(Terima Kasih dan Penghargaan)
Thank you
Thank you very much
It is very kind of you
Congratulation on ______
Happy ______
Have a nice ______
Good luck
4. Apology
(Permintaan Maaf)
I am sorry
I don’t mean to ______
Forgive me
I hope you forgive me
5. Ability and Disability
(Mampu dan Tidak Mampu)
Yes, I can
No, I can’t
Yes, I am able to ______
No, I am not able to ______
I think I am able to ______
I think I am unable to ______
I can’t, I’m afraid
6. Certainty and Uncertainty
(Yakin/Pasti dan Tidak Yakin/Tidak Pasti)
I am sure
I am not sure
I am certain
I am not certain
I doubt that
I can’t decide
I don’t know
7. Agreement and Disagreement
(Setuju dan Tidak Setuju)
I agree
I disagree
I absolutely agree
I think so
I don’t think so
You are absolutely right
You are right, but ______
8. Like and Dislike
(Suka dan Tidak Suka)
I like it
I love it
I’m very keen on ______
I don’t like it
I hate it
9. Opinion
What do you think of ______
I think ______
Let’s talk about it
I wonder ______
Give me comments or suggestions, please
10. Asking and Offering
(Meminta dan Menawarkan)
Excuse me, May I ______ ?
Do you mind ______
Would you please ______
Would you help me, please ?
What can I do for you, _____?
11. Command and Prohibition
(Perintah dan Larangan)
Pay attention, please!
Listen to me!
Keep the room clean!
Let’s go!
Be on time!
Be a good student!
Don’t move, please!
Don’t go away!
Don’t worry!
Don’t be late!
No talking, please!
No smoking!
No parking in this area!
12. Warning
Watch out !
Be aware of ______ !
Be careful !
13. Preference
(Lebih Suka / Pilihan)
I like ______ better than ______
I prefer ______ to ______
I would rather ______ than ______
14. Exclamation
What a wonderful world !
What a beautiful girl !
How beautiful she is !
How big the ship is !
It is great !
Excellent !
15. Sympathy
(Ikut bersimpati)
Take it easy
Don’t worry, everything will be all right
What a pity
I am sorry to hear that
Poor you
1. Shopkeeper : So, are you going to buy this gas stove?
Customer : Yes, but ______.
Shopkeeper : Please don’t worry about it. I believe that it will satisfy you. It has a three – year
(UN 2006/P1)
A. I’m certain the quality is good
B. there ‘s no doubt about the quality
C. I’m not sure about the quality
D. I can’t decide if it is good
PEMBAHASAN: Customer jadi membeli kompor gas (gas stove), tapi masih ragu. Kemudian Shopkeeper berkata “Jangan khawatir”. Maka ungkapan Customer adalah ungkapan merasa tidak yakin (uncertainty), yaitu: “I’m not sure about the quality” (Saya tidak yakin terhadap kualitasnya).
2. Lia : Oh, my wallet has been stolen.
Uti : ______. How did it happen?
Lia : Maybe a pickpocket took it when I was on the bus. (UN 2005/P1)
A. That’s a good idea
B. That would be nice
C. That’s great
D. What a pity
PEMBAHASAN: Lia berkata bahwa dompetnya telah dicuri. Maka ungkapan yang tepat adalah‘sympathy’, yaitu ‘What a pity’ (oh kasihan / sayang sekali).
3. Student : It seems to me that you are having trouble taking those books. Let me help you, Sir.
Teacher : Oh, ______ (UN 2005/P1)
A. can you help me?
B. that’s very kind of you
C. it’s none of your business
D. why don’t you bring these books
PEMBAHASAN: Siswa menawarkan bantuan. Maka ungkapan yang tepat dari Guru adalah ungkapan ‘gratitude/appreciation’, yaitu: ‘that’s very kind of you’ (Anda sangat baik).
4. Father : I’ve got a headache. ______
Mother : Certainly. Here it is.
Father : Thanks. (UN 2003/P2)
A. Can you get me an aspirin, please?
B. Will you take me to a doctor, please?
C. Will you help me hold my head?
D. Do you have time to help me?
PEMBAHASAN: Situasi dialog adalah Ayah sedang sakit kepala. Untuk menentukan kalimat Ayah yang kedua, perhatikan jawaban Ibu: ‘Certainly. Here it is’ (Tentu saja. Ini.). Berarti Ibu mengambilkan Ayah sesuatu. Maka ungkapan yang diucapkan oleh Ayah adalah ‘asking’, yaitu: ‘Can you get me an aspirin, please?’ (Bisakah kamu mengambilkan saya aspirin?).
5. Jane : When will you go back to Indonesia?
Rudi : ______. It depends on my study. (UN 2004/P2)
A. I’m sure
B. I’m not certain
C. I absolutely believe
D. I don’t understand
PEMBAHASAN: Perhatikan kalimat Rudi yang kedua: ‘It depends on my study’ (tergantung pada studi-ku). Berarti Rudi merasa tidak yakin atau merasa tidak pasti. Maka kalimat Rudi yang pertama ialah‘uncertainty’: ‘I’m not certain’.
6. Doni : How did you travel to Surabaya?
Santi : By “Argo Bromo” train. It’s a very good train. It took me just nine hours.
Doni : ______ (UN 2004/P2)
A. What train is it?
B. What a fast train!
C. How fast is the train?
D. How good the train is.
PEMBAHASAN: Isi percakapan tersebut menyiratkan Kereta Api “Argo Bromo” adalah kereta api cepat. Maka ungkapan Doni adalah ‘exclamation’, yaitu: ‘What a fast train!’ (Wow, betul-betul kereta api yang cepat!atau Alangkah cepatnya kereta api itu!). Ingat, salah satu ciri ‘exclamation’ adalah selalu diakhiri dengan tanda seru.
Monday, 15 August 2011
Mata Ujian : Bahasa Inggris
Jumlah Soal : 25
Text 1
Years ago young children used to say they wanted to become train drivers or bus drivers. Today, to some children say, ‘When I grow up I want to become an astronaut.’ And it is quite possible that some of these children will do just that. In few years we have made enormous progress towards living and working in space. Here are some important dates in the history of space travel.
1957 The Russians sent a rocket into space and Sputnik 1, the first satellite, was sent into orbit around the earth.
1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space.
1969 The American put a man on the moon. NASA astronaut, Neil Armstrong, became the first man to walk on the moon.
1971 NASA launched Mariner 9. Five months later, it became the first space trip to orbit the planet Mars.
1973 Pioneer 10 was launched by the USA. The little spacecraft has already gone beyond the nine planets and passed out of the solar system. It will go into deep space beyond our galaxy. It will travel billions of miles and journey past distant stars to the farthest points in the universe.
1977 NASA launched Voyagers 1 and 2. These two spacecraft flew close by and photographed the four large outer planets of the solar system: Jupiter in 1979; Saturn in 1980-81; Uranus in 1986; and Neptune in 1989.
1982 NASA launched the space shuttle Columbia. This was the first manned spaceship to leave the Earth and returned so that it can be used again.
1990 Both the Soviets and the Americans plan to build huge space stations, which will orbit the earth. There are plans to continue to put a man on Mars.
Taken from Vocabulary Builder
1. The text focuses on the information about _________.
A. the successful mission of sending astronauts to the moon
B. the important dates of the launching of spacecraft
C. the success of the Soviets’ outer space project
D. the discovery of the four large outer planets
E. the observation on certain planets
Kunci: B
Penjelasan : wacana memaparkan tanggal-tanggal peluncuran pesawat ruang angkasa.
2. The first spaceship to orbit the planet Mars is _________.
(A) Mariner 9
(B) Sputnik 1
(C) Voyager 1
(D) Voyager 2
(E) Pioneer 10
Kunci: A
Penjelasan: pesawat pertama ke orbit planet Mars adalah Mariner 9.
3. Which statement is not true according to the text?
(A) NASA launched Voyager 1 in 1971.
(B) The first man in space was in 1961.
(C) The first satellite was sent by Russians.
(D) It was the American who launched Pioneer 10.
(E) The space shuttle Columbia can be used for more than once.
Kunci: A
Penjelasan: pernyataan pilihan A bertentangan dengan kalimat ‘1977 NASA launched Voyagers 1 and 2’ (Peluncuran Voyagers 1 dan 2 tahun 1977, bukan 1971).
4. “Both the Soviets and the Americans plan to build huge space stations which will orbit the earth.” (1990s)
The word ‘huge’ means very _________.
(A) large
(B) broad
(C) bulky
(D) heavy
(E) wide
Kunci: A
Penjelasan: “Huge” semakna dengan “large”.
Text 2
Television has a great influence on our ideas about what is right and wrong about the way we should behave, and about life in general. Sometimes the values and life styles that we get from television are in conflict with those that are taught at home and at school. Critics of television point out that crime and western programs often appeal to a taste of violence, while many games show appeal greed. Many critics also believe that television should be used for socially constructive purposes as well as for entertainment.
The first commercial television broadcast was made in April 20, 1939 by Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Since 1939., it has become one of the most important facts or modern life. Television is very much part of the modern world. Its effects are felt all over the world.
Television is a reflection of modern world, say some people. It shows contemporary society. It affects customs and culture, others say. Television is bad for culture because it keeps culture from growing, say still others.
Good or bad, television is difficult to avoid. Its pictures enter home, stores, airports, and factories. It is here to stay!
5. What is the topic of the whole text?
(A) The social constructive purpose shown by television program.
(B) The different opinions on the influence of TV program.
(C) The educational aspects included in TV program.
(D) The cultural values reflected by TV program.
(E) The useful influence of television program.
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: wacana tentang pengaruh acara televisi (different opinion on the influence of TV program).
6. Which of these sentences is true according to the text?
(A) Television can influence all aspects of in our life.
(B) Having a television is a sign of modern life.
(C) Television doesn’t keep the culture growing.
(D) Television cannot be used for business.
(E) Many games shown constructive value.
Kunci: A
Penjelasan: sudah jelas pada kalimat awal paragraf 1. Televisi dapat berpengaruh terhadap seluruh sendi kehidupan
7. The following TV program gives bad influence on people, except that is related to _________.
(A) the ideas about what is right or wrong
(B) crime and western cultures
(C) values and life style
(D) greed appealing games
(E) a taste of violence
Kunci: A
Penjelasan: Program TV yang tidak dikategorikan berpengaruh buruk adalah ide-ide akan apa yang benar dan apa yang salah
8. “It affects customs and culture, others say”. (paragraph 3)
The italic word means _________.
(A) alters
(B) causes
(C) changes
(D) modifies
(E) influences
Kunci: E
Penjelasan: Affect yang berarti ‘berpengaruh’ bermakna sama dengan ‘influence’
9. The type of the text is _________.
(A) descriptive
(B) narrative
(C) report
(D) recount
(E) procedure
Kunci: C
Penjelasan: Bacaan ini hanya menjelaskan satu hal tentang manfaat dan kerugian televisi
Text 3
DKI will hold a festival of the Betawi art presenting Ondel-ondel and Tajidor at the opening ceremony of the Jakarta Fair on June 4. The city cultural office’s chief, Azhari Baedlawi, said Friday that 18 Betawi cultura_(10) had confirmed their (11)___ in the festival. “We hope the festival will encourage them to improve their (12) “Baedlawi said. The troupes’ performance will be judged in a parade through the ___(13)__ in Kemayoran Central Jakarta. Ondel-ondel is represented by a couple of giant ___(14)___ which usually perform for individuals, companies or special events held by the municipality.
10. (A) classes
(B) troupes
(C) numbers
(D) companies
(E) divisions
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: rombongan seniman rakyat dengan istilah ‘troupes’.
11. (A) exhibition
(B) cooperation
(C) information
(D) expectation
(E) participation
Kunci: E
Penjelasan: kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat ini ialah ‘keikutsertaan’ yang berarti ‘participation’
12. (A) responsibilities
(B) performance
(C) appearance
(D) experiences
(E) activities
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: Festival diharapkan dapat meningkatkan ‘penampilan’ mereka (penampilan = performance).
13. (A) parks
(B) fields
(C) courts
(D) grounds
(E) runways
Kunci: E
Penjelasan: yang dilalui parade adalah jalanan (runways).
14. (A) paintings
(B) puppets
(C) games
(D) dolls
(E) toys
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: ondel-ondel merupakan boneka (puppet).
15. A close cooperation among the member of ASEAN countries would bring mutual benefits, which will promote _________.
(A) efficiency
(B) effectivity
(C) responsibility
(D) prosperity
(E) activity
Kunci: D
Penjelasan: Kerja sama yang erat anggota ASEAN yang akan manfaat saling menguntungkan yang akan meningkatkan ‘kemakmuran’ (prosperity).
16. The sailing was cancelled because of the _________.
(A) thunder
(B) temperature
(C) condensation
(D) pressure
(E) weather
Kunci: E
Penjelasan: pelayaran ditunda karena cuaca (weather).
17. My father is 60 years old. He resigns from his job now.
The underlined word means _________.
(A) surrenders
(B) leaves
(C) submits
(D) departs
(E) turns
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: ‘resign’ berarti berhenti/ mengundurkan diri (leave the job).
18. I have an account at a bank when I need some money for my school fee, I go to the bank and _________ some.
(A) save
(B) cash
(C) deposit
(D) borrow
(E) withdraw
Kunci: E
Penjelasan: saya punya rekening di bank, karena perlu untuk uang sekolah saya mengambil uang di bank. (withdraw)
19. Rizky usually sits next to Dodi, but today he _________ next to Dani.
(A) sat
(B) has sat
(C) would sit
(D) is sitting
(E) was sitting
Kunci: D
Penjelasan: ‘Today’ untuk bentuk ‘present’ yang mengatakan sedang jadi Present Continuous Tense: S + am/is/are + V ing.
20. Mother can’t speak English _________.
(A) and so can father
(B) and neither can father
(C) but father can’t
(D) father can either
(E) and father can too
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: untuk kalimat eliptik negatif, kita gunakan and neither dan and……either, karena sudah ada kata kerja bantu ‘can’ maka harus digunakan jadi jawaban yang benar ‘and neither can father’
21. By the time I arrive home, the door _________ by my aunt.
(A) will lock
(B) will have locked
(C) is locked
(D) was locked
(E) will have been locked
Kunci: E
Penjelasan: By the time diikuti S + will + have + V3 karena subjeknya pasif ‘the door’ jadi S + will + have + been + V3
22. “_________” Neither does Ani.
(A) Tati didn’t do the exercises.
(B) Tati never does the exercises.
(C) Tati does the exercises.
(D) Tati and Ani do the exercises.
(E) Tati can’t do the exercises.
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: Neither does Ani untuk jawaban pernyataan negative karena ‘does’ berarti present tense. Jadi jawaban yang benar: ‘Tati never does the exercises’ (‘never’ menyatakan negatif).
23. Father always _________ the newspaper every morning.
(A) read
(B) reads
(C) reading
(D) is reading
(E) will read
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: ‘always’ menyatakan kebiasaan dan ‘every morning’ menyatakan ‘present tense’. Father always reads the newspaper every morning.
24. Dian has been studying English since she was ten.
This sentence means _________
(A) Dian never study English.
(B) Dian is still studying English.
(C) Dian was still studying English.
(D) English is difficult for Dian.
(E) Dian likes studying English.
Kunci: B
Penjelasan: S + have/has + been + Ving menyatakan sesuatu aktivitas yang telah dilakukan dan masih berlangsung.
Jadi: Dian is still studying English (Dian masih belajar bahasa Inggris hingga sekarang)
25. Iwan : Sorry to brother you, but could you tell me the way to the post office?
Didin : Well, turn right at the corner. The post office is about 100 meters from here.
Iwan : Thanks.
In the dialogue, Iwan is _________.
(A) rejecting help
(B) accepting an offer
(C) asking for information
(D) stating agreement
(E) expressing hope
Kunci : C
Penjelasan: ‘Could you tell me the way to the post office? pertanyaan yang digunakan untuk mencari informasi (asking for information).
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Untuk mewujudkan visi, sekolah memiliki misi sebagai berikut:
1. Meningkatkan profesionalisme pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan;
2. Meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang mengacu pada standar isi, standar proses, standar kompetensi lulusan dan standar penilaian;
3. Pemenuhan sarana dan prasarana yang menunjang proses pembelajaran berkualitas;
4. Meningkatkan prestasi akademik;
5. Meningkatkan prestasi ekstrakurikuler sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki siswa;
6. Membekali ketrampilan kepada siswa sesuai dengan bakat, sehingga menjadi siswa yang trampil, cerdas, beriman dan bertakwa serta mampu mengomunikasikan dirinya dan kemampuannya;
7. Mempersiapkan siswa ke jenjang perguruan tinggi bagi yang melanjutkan dan berwirausaha bagi yang tidak melanjutkan;
8. Menanamkan adat santun dalam sikap, tuturkata, dan perbuatan;
9. Peningkatan iman dan takwa kepada peserta didik melalui kegiatan intrakurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler.
10. Peningkatan kegiatan keagamaan di sekolah
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Situation 1 Soraya meets Adam at the cafeteria.
Soraya : Hello, Adam. How are you (1) …………… ?
Adam : Fine, thanks. How are you?
Soraya : I'm very well. Thank you.
Adam : Have you (2) …………. your lunch?
Soraya : Yes,I have.
I'd better be going, or I'll be (3) …….. at my office. Goodbye, Adam.
Adam : Goodbye, Soraya. See you tomorrow.
Situation 2 In the banquet room was a group of well-dressed people chatting
among tbem.relve.r. Soraya approached one of them.
Soraya : Good morning, Do you know who Susan Brandy is? Adam She's over there.
Soraya : Thank you. (Soraya went up to her). Hi. I am Soraya. How
do vou do?
Susan : Hello, Soraya. This is Peter and Teddy. I'm sure you've
(4) ………………… of them.
Soraya : How do you do, sir?
Peter : Hello. My wife has (5) … ……me a great deal about you.
Soraya : Nothing too terrible I hope, sir.
Peter : On the contrary. She has said only good things about you.
Sorava : Thank vou, sir. (She turns to Teddy). Good afternoon, sir.
Teddy : Hello, Sorava.
Sorava : It's a (6) …………. to meet you, sir.
Teddy : Thank you. You're (7) ……………. very well.
Sorava : So are you, sir. I'm so sorry about what happened (8) ……..
Teddy : Thank you. Are you set up here to take care of all of us?
Soraya : Oh, yes. I think we can make everyone (9) ………………
Teddy : That's good. Sorry but I would like to get freshened up.
Soraya : Of course. It was (10) …………… to meet you.
Teddy : Well, good night.
1. Where was Soraya?
2. How many people are there in the conversation?
3. Did Soraya know all the guests well?
4. What do you think she was doing in that room?
5. How did Soraya greet her new friends when she wanted to introduce herself?
On Friday (1)…………….we went to (2) Bogor ………… Garden.
We went there by bus and We arrived at that (3) ………. garden at 10 o'clock.
Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups.Group A followed Mrs Nina and Group B followed Mr Ahmad. I was in Group A. Well, (4) ……….. we went to the odd tropical plants and Mrs Nina read us some of the information. Then, we looked at all the (5) …………. plants. After that, we vent to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery and (6) ……….. morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we (7) ………….. Group B at the information center to have our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B (8) …….. some research on flowers. Uhm ……… A lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she (9) ……….. about many kinds of orchid.
(10) ………… we had a look at the Indonesian orchid. Wow, we saw many_ kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were all beautiful. Later,
we took a look at the American, (11) ………. , and Asian orchid's section. It was (12) ……….. Soon after we had finished our observations, we went back outside and met Group B. (13) ……….., we got on the bus and returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip to Bogor Botanic Garden.
(Source Encarta)
Answer these questions based on the text above!
1. What is an excursion?
2. When and how did they go to Bogor Botanic Garden?
3. What time did they arrive at Bogor Botanic Garden?
Friday, 5 August 2011
I attended camp activities from 21 to 23 July 2011 in the village square Lebeteng. The committee has divided the campers into 27 teams, 9 teams of men, and18 teams of girl.
The committee has held many activities both physically and mentally, one of the most enjoyable activities, namely a wide games. On the activity of all participants must creep in a shallow river and filled with mud, so that our clothes were soiled by the mud. This was an interesting experience and it was forgotten until whenever.
Thanks hopefully my experience can entertain friends
By : Ana Khafidoh
Absen Number : 6
Kelas : X. 7
SMA Negeri 1 Kramat
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
I was very happy when I saw the new student notice a board at SMA 1 Kramat. Isaw in the order of 279, I always worried before the announcement was release.I did not sure that I would be received at Senior High School (SMA Negeri 1 Kramat), but my mother always supported to me not to be afraid or despair.
On 6 July 2011, I went to school to see the announcement. Finally, I accepted the order of number 276. On Saturday, 9th July 2011 I went to school to see the announcement of class division, and I got a class X. 7, I very happy because my friend is very good.
That is my experience that will not be forgotten until when ever
By : Wahyuni Ayuning Tias
Absen Number : 35
Kelas : X. 7
SMA Negeri 1 Kramat
Get It Right
Ways to say it
Asking for information
• I’d like to know ….
• I’m interested in …..
• Could you tell me ….?
• Do you know ….?
• Could you find out …?
• Could I ask …?
• Do you happen to know …?
• I’d say …
• Could it be …
• Perhaps it’s …
• I think it’s …
• It looks like …
• It’s difficult to say, but I’d guess …
Right or wrong
• That’s right.
• Right.
• OK.
• Yes.
• Exactly!
• No, I’m afraid not.
• Not quite.
• You’re close.
• I don’t know.
• I’m not sure.
When you are surprised:
• Really!
• Are you joking?
• Oh?
• Where? Show me.
• I can’t see that.
• Goodness!
• What?
Grammar in Action
Ways to say it
Useful phrases to express location:
• to face (is facing, faces)
• to be opposite (is opposite, are opposite)
• on, at, in
• under, beneath
• over, on top of
• at the top of, on the site of, at the bottom of
• inside
• outside
• beside, next to, near, in between
• in back of, in the middle of, in front of
• (to)(on) the left (of),(to)(on) the right (of)
• across from
• (at)(on) the corner of
• at the end of
• to be located (is located)
• to be situated ( is situated)
• to lie (lies, lie)
Get It Right
Ways to say it: Expressing congratulations
Expressions of congratulations:
• Congratulation!
• Congratulation on your promotion.
• May I congratulate you on winning the contest?
• I must congratulate you on your success.
• Please accept my warmest congratulations on your wedding day.
• I congratulate you on your being admitted in one of the favorite senior high schools in our district.
• Please accept my heartiest congratulations.
Respond to congratulations:
• Thanks!
• Thank you.
• Thank you very much.
Have you ever visited Singapore? Well, if you haven’t, let me tell you about Singapore. Singapore is an island city. Its population is about three millions people. Most Singaporeans live in high-rise apartments.
Uhm…Singapore is a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces. It is also a very clean city. You know, the business district is very modern, with lots of tall and new buildings.
Now, let me tell you about the old section of the city. In Chinatown, there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in Singapore are also very unique and antique. They date from the British colonial days.
Shopping! Wow, this is the part that I like very much! Singapore is famous for its many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. It’s a heaven for shoppers!
What about food? Uhmm ..yummy..yummy. It’s delicious. Singapore’s restaurants provide Chinese, Indian, Malay, and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable. I bet you’ll like it.
Well, since Singapore lies near the equatorial line, of course, it has a tropical climate, with a nice weather in both dry and rainy season.
Do you know the capital city of England? Right. London is the capital of the United Kingdom.
Look at the map carefully. Here is London. Can you see it? It is situated in southeastern England along the Thames River. London is a well-known city with a population of about 7 millions. It is the largest city in Europe. Although it is no longer included among the world’s most populous cities, London is still one of the world’s major financial and cultural capitals.
Are you still with me? OK, thank you. Let’s continue. London’s climate is generally mild and damp although it can be erratic. London is one of the driest parts of Britain. However, the weather is generally cloudy, and sometimes it rains on half the days of the year. With the mean temperature in July of about 18° C (about 64° F), London has warmer summers than most of the island. It’s frosty during winters in London. Fog frequently develops in winter.
Now let me tell you about the city. London’s metropolitan area extends for more than 30 miles. Most of Central London is located north of the Thames. It contains the City of London, the City of Westminster, and districts in the West End. The City of London is the heart of the city. The City of Westminster is the seat of the national government.
Expressing gratitude:
• Thank you.
• Thanks.
• Thank you very much.
• Many thanks.
• Thanks a lot.
• I thank you.
• I’m very much obliged to you.
• Thank you for your kindness.
• Thanks for everything.
• Thanks for your help.
Showing gratitude when refusing:
• Thanks anyway.
• No, thank you.
• No, thanks.
Part B. Try This. Read and listen to these conversations carefully. Pay attention to their intonation. Then, underline the expressions of showing gratitude
Conversation l
A : Hello, John Smith speaking.
B : Hello. This is Helen Jones. May I speak to your sister?
A : She just stepped out. I think she’s next door. I can call her if you like.
B : No, thank you. I’ll phone again later. Good-bye.
A : Good-bye
Where are they? Are they at the same place?
How do they get in touch?
Conversation 2
A : Excuse me, but can you tell me how to get to the museum?
B : I’m afraid I don’t know, I’m new here myself.
A : I see. Thanks anyway.
B : Sorry I can’t help you.
Where are the speakers?
Do they know each others very well? How do you know?
Conversation 3
A : Would you like a little more tea?
B : Yes, please.
A : Please have another piece of cake.
B : Thank you. Uhm, Jane, I heard you were ill so I brought you some fruit.
A : Thanks, Bill.
B : You’re welcome. By the way, this is for you, Mary.
A : For me? Really? Thank you, Bill. Oh, a book! How nice of you! Thanks a lot.
B : Don’t mention it, Mary. I’m very glad you like it.
A : Well, how about another piece of cake?
B : No, thanks. It’s delicious, but I’ve had plenty.
Where are they?
Do they know each other well?
Conversation 4
A : Oops! Sorry.
B : It’s okay. Oh, your books are wet.
A : It doesn’t matter. It’s my fault.
B : Here. I’ll wipe your books with my handkerchief.
A : No, thank you. It’s not necessary. Don’t worry about it.
What do the last sentences mean?
Conversation 5
A : I’m going to the post office. Would you like me to post that letter for you?
B : I’ll go to the post office myself a little later, so I’ll take it. Thanks anyway.
What do the last sentences mean?
Conversation 6
A : Hi, Mary, are you busy tonight?
B : No. Why?
A : Well, I’m giving a farewell party for Tom. Can you come?
B : Yes, I’d love to. What time is it going to be?
A : At seven o’clock tonight.
B : All right. I won’t miss it. Thank you.
Mrs. Shelley : Yes, please. Thank you. Hmm…This tea tastes good and smells fragrant
Tuti : Thank you. I’m glad you like it.
Mrs. Shelley : Tell me, how do Indonesians prepare a cup of tea?
Tuti : Well, first fill in the kettle with some water from the tap. Then, place it on the stove and wait until the water is boiling.
Mrs. Shelley : What do you do then?
Tuti : Next, put one or two teaspoonfuls of tea leaves into a teapot. Pour the boiling water into the teapot. To obtain the best flavor, the tea should soak for three to five minutes before being served.
Mrs. Shelley : Hmmm…Then, what do you do?
Tuti : Finally, pour the tea into cups and don’t forget to add some sugar in it. Stir it. The tea is ready to be served. Unlike in England, Mrs. Shelley, we don’t take milk in our tea.
Get It Right
Ways to say it: Offering
Offering to older people:
• Would you like a cup of coffee, Mr. Green?
• Should I get you a bottle of water?
• Could I offer you a glass of lemonade, Mrs. Lina?
• Would you care for some salad?
Offering to friends
• Want some?
• Have some.
• Chocolate?
• Glass of lemonade?
• Grab some for yourself.
• Would you like to have a pancake?
• Why don’t you have some lemonade?
• What can I get for you?
• What will you have?
Declining an offer:
• No, thanks.
• No, I really won’t thank you.
• Not for me, thanks.
• No, thanks. I’m not hungry.
Accepting an offer:
• Thank you
• Yes, please
• I’d like it very much
• Thank you, I would
• That would be very nice
Part E. Try This. Listen to Mike talking about how to make a cheese omelet. While listening, fill in the blanks. Then, answer the questions.
Have you ever eaten a cheese omelet? Do you know how to make a Cheese Omelet? No? Would you like me to tell it for you? Okay. This is the way. Listen to me.
To make a Cheese Omelet, you should prepare ingredients such as one egg, 50 grams of cheese, uhm... ¼ cups of milk, three tablespoons of cooking oil, uhm...what else ....? Oh, yeah, a pinch of salt and don’t forget some pepper.
Now, to make a Cheese Omelet, you will need some kitchen utensils like a frying pan, a fork, a whisk, a spatula, uhm..... a cheese grater ...and a bowl and of course ....a plate. Okay? Are you following me? Right! Let me tell you how to make it.
First, crack an egg into a bowl like this. Then whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth. After that, add some milk and whisk well. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan, and pour the mixture into the frying pan. Then, turn the omelet with a spatula when it browns. See, like this. Okay, next cook both sides. After the omelet is done, place it on a plate, don’t forget to season it with salt and pepper and you can eat it while warm. It’s easy, isn’t it?
Bon appetite!
Moving Forward
Your Challenge. Listen to the cassette. Arrange the following jumbled instructions. Then identify the goal, materials(s) needed and steps. Then, take turns reading it aloud to your partner.
Cooking Rice
Well, to cook rice you will need some rice and water. Now, let me tell you steps of cooking rice. Listen carefully. First, wash some rice in cold water. Like this. Second, put the rice with some water in a pot. Then, boil and cool it slowly for about 20 minutes. (After 20 minutes) See, there is no more water now. After that, put the rice to the simmer and steam it for about 45 minutes. Now, the rice is ready to be served.
Part D. Fifth Challenge. Listen to the instructions of the correct procedures to use a life jacket. Then, put the correct order of the numbers in the pictures.
Ladies and Gentlemen, International regulation required us to demonstrate the use of the life jacket because part of our flights is over water. In case of emergency, take out the life jacket, located under your seat. Pull the jacket over your head, then fasten the jacket with the tapes around your waist. Do not inflate the jacket until you have left the aircraft. The jacket is automatically inflated by pulling beep sign or if necessary blows this tube. A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The back of your seat should be in an upright position and table folded during take-off and landing. The life jacket should be removed only in case of emergency. The use of TV sets, AM and FM radios and radio cassette recorder, walkman and any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communications and navigational system. We wish you enjoyable flight.
Once upon a time there lived a very famous king, named the King of Crete. He had a stepson which was half bull and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a labyrinth in order to house the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the king would not let him go.
Daedalus finally escaped through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy. The sea is now called the Icarian Sea.
Say It Right
• strange
• fighting
• monster
• myth
• Greek
• prince
• killed
• half bull
• half man
• Athens
Get It Right
Ways to say it: Asking for and showing attention
When you tell a story, you can use questions to attract your listeners’ attention. Whereas when you listen to a story, you can use several expressions to show that you are paying attention to what is being talked about.
Asking for attention
• Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you ….
• May I have your attention, please?
• Excuse me, ….
• Sorry to trouble you.
• Sorry to bother you.
• Look at me!
• Look what I’ve got here.
• Look here.
• Look!
• Hey!
• Attention, please!
• Excuse me!
Showing attention
• I see. - Tell me more about it.
• Oh, yes. - Really?
• Mmm... - Oh, my God! What happens next?
• A ha... - And then what?
• How interesting! - What’s next?
• I know what you mean. - Is that all?
• Oh, oh! - Indeed?
• Well, well, well… - Oh, no!
Ways to say it: Inviting someone
Offering an invitation:
• I’d like you to come to dinner.
• I’d like to ask you to come swimming.
• Would you like to go to the theater with me on Saturday night?
• How about going to the football match with me tomorrow afternoon?
Accepting an invitation:
• Thank you, I’d be glad to go.
• Yes, thank you. I’d be happy to go.
• Thank you so much for inviting me.
• Let’s meet at the school canteen.
• Yes, I’d love to.
• Sure.
• Great.
• All right.
Declining an invitation
• I’m so sorry, I’ll be very busy tomorrow night.
• I’m afraid that’s not too good fro me, what about after lunch?
Get It Right
Ways to say: Expressing sympathy
When you hear someone is hurt or sad, express your sympathy with the following expressions.
Offering condolences:
• I’m sorry.
• I’m sorry to hear about your father.
• I’m sorry to hear that your little Tweetie died.
• Let me offer my condolences.
• Let me tell you how sorry I am to hear about your grandmother.
• I know how you must feel.
• You must feel terrible about losing your brother like that.
Responding to condolences
• Thank you.
• That’s very kind of you.
• There’s nothing that can be done about it.
• It’s God’s will, I suppose.
• God gives and God takes away.
• That’s life.
Moving Forward
Part B. First Challenge. While you read the following fable, listen and pay attention to the intonation of the story teller. Then, answer the following questions.
The Fly and the Bull
There was once a little fly who thought he was very important. He felt proud of himself. One sunny morning, he flew around looking for someone to talk to. He saw a bull grazing in a field. He decided to fly down to talk to him.
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull’s head. The bull did not bother him. He went on chewing grass.
The fly then buzzed right inside the bull’s ear. The bull continued chewing grass. The fly thought, “What a stupid animal!”
Now, the fly decided to land on the bull’s horns to make the bull notice him. He waited for the bull to say something but the bull kept quiet.
The fly then shouted angrily, “Oh, Bull, if you find that I am too heavy for you, let me know and I’ll fly away!”.
The bull laughed and said, “Little fly, I don’t care if you stay or leave. You are so tiny and that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quiet and leave me alone. ”
Part C. Second Challenge. Does a fable always talk about animals? Listen to Mike, telling the story of ‘the Silver Key’. While listening, fill in the blank spaces with the words you hear.
The Silver Key
There was a traveler going to a distant town. When he reached the town it was almost midnight. He came to an inn but it locked from the inside. He knocked at the door. “Who are you?” asked a voice from inside the inn. “What do you want? The door cannot be unlocked at such an odd hour”. The traveler needed rest, food and shelter. He said, “Please, innkeeper, unlock the door. See, how cold outside!”
“It’s a strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key,” replied the innkeeper. The traveler passed a silver coin through a slit in the door, got the door unlocked and entered into the inn.
“I have left one of my two bags outside,” said the traveler. “Will you please bring it in?”
No sooner had the innkeeper gone out than traveler locked the door from inside. The greedy innkeeper was now shut out. He requested the traveler to unlock the door. “I’m helpless,” replied the traveler. “It’s a strange lock. It can be opened only with a silver key. The innkeeper was obliged to push through the slit a silver coin. The traveler got back his rupee and unlocked the door.
Tuesday, 2 August 2011
All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this great place.
On Friday 16 March we went to Bogor Botanic Garden. We went there by bus and we arrived at that famous garden at 10 o’clock
Arriving at the garden, we were divided into two groups. Group A followed Mrs. Nina and Group B followed Mr. Ahmad. I was in group A. Well, first we went to the odd tropical plants and Mrs. Nina read us some of the information. Then, we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went to a little spot near the Raffles cemetery and had morning tea. Next, we did some sketching and then we met group B at the information center to have our lunch.
Soon, it was time for us to go to the orchid section while Group B did some research on flowers. Uhm…A lady led us to the orchid section. Then, she explained about many kinds of orchid.
Next, we had a look at the Indonesian orchid. Wow, we saw many kinds of Indonesian orchids. They were all beautiful. Later, we took a look at the American, European and Asian orchid’s section. It was interesting. Soon after we had finished our observations, we went back outside and met group B. Then, we got on the bus and returned to school. We really enjoyed the trip to Bogor Botanic Garden.
Get It Right
Ways to say it: Greetings and leave-taking
Look again at the text about ‘An excursion to Bogor Botanic Garden’. Pay attention to the first sentence (i.e. All right, everybody, I’ll tell you about this great place.) You can use this first sentence to open a conversation before you share your past experience to others. However, you can also use greeting to open a conversation and use leave-taking for closing.
Formal Greeting
• Good morning.
• Good afternoon.
• Good evening.
• Good morning, sir.
Informal greeting
• Hi, Lizzy!
• Morning, Jim!
• Hello.
Initial greetings
• How are you?
• How’s it going?
• How are you doing?
• How’s life?
Responding to initial greetings
• Very well, thank you and how are you?
• I’m good/okay/alright.
• Very well, thank you.
• Oh, pretty good.
• Not too bad, thanks.
• Fine, thanks.
• Excellent.
• OK then…
• I’ve got to go now.
• So, I’ll see you next week.
• I think I’d better be going now.
• Well, it’s time for me to leave.
• I think it’s already late at night.
• I must be going home.
• Good bye.
• Bye-Bye; Bye; Bye now; See you. Take care.
• See you later ---- Fine.
• See you soon ----- OK.
• See you tonight ----- All right.
• Good night.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Hari : Sabtu, 22 Juli 2011
SMA Negeri 1 Kramat Kab. Tegal
A. Ways to say it
1. Greeting and leave-taking
Look again at the text about An excursion to Bogor Botanic Garden. Pay attention to the first sentence (i.e. All right everybody, I'll tell you about this great place.)
YOU can use this first sentence to open a conversation before you share your past experience to others.However, you can also use greeting to open a conversation and use leave-taking for closing.
Formal greating :
• Good morning (until about lunch time, or before 12 a.m.).
• Good afternoon (12-6 p.m.).
• Good evening (until about 9 p.m.).
• Good morning, sir.
Note: Do not use "Good day", except in Australia.
Informal greating :
• Hi,.Lizzy!
• Morning, Jim!
• Hello.
Initial greating :
• How are you?
• How's it going?
• How are you doing?
• How's life?
Responding to initial greeting :
• Very well, thank you and how are you?
• I'm good/okay/alright.
• Very well, thank you.
• Oh, pretty good.
• Not too bad, thanks.
• Fine, thanks.
• Excellent.
Pre-closing :
• OK then .. .
• I've got to go now.
• So, I'll see you next week.
• I think I'd better be going now.
• Well, it's time for me to leave.
• I think it's already late at night.
• I must be going home.
Closing/leave-taking :
• • Goodbye (formal/informal).
• Bye-bye; Bye; Bye now; See you. Take care.
• See you later --- Fine
• See you soon --- OK
• See you tonight --- All right
• Good night (after 8 p.m. or retiring to bed)
Note: Do not use "Good evening" for leave-taking. Use "Good night".
Goodbye John, and all the best (to someone who's leaving for a long time).
Goodbye Peter, and good luck (to someone who's leaving for a long time)
Read and give a response to the following expressions.
1. How are you doing?
2. Hello.
3. See you tomorrow.
4. Goodbye.
5. See you about seven, then
6. Good night.
7. See you later.
8. How do you do?
9. See you soon.
To end the conversation, what would you say to someone.
1. You're going to sec in the evening
2. Who's going away for a long time
3. You're just leaving.
4. You've just been introduced to.
5. You know well and meet on the street.
6. You haven't seen for a long time.
7. You are leaving at 9.30 p.m.
8. You are going to see the next day.
Tugas Mandiri Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI
Hari : Sabtu, 22 Juli 2011
SMA Negeri 1 Kramat Kab. Tegal
A. Study the following expressions.
Asking for advice :
• Do you think I ought to call the police?
• What do you think I should buy him for his birthday?
• Do you have any ideas about how I can sell my car?
• Should I try to talk with him about this matter again?
• If you were me, what would you tell her?
• If you were in my situation, would you forgive him?
• Do you have any advice for me?
• Can you give me some advice?
• Do you have any recommendations about a good hotel in Paris?
• Can you recommend a suitable wine for dinner?
Offering Advice :
• I think you'd better start looking for a new job.
• If I were you, I'd stop writing her.
• It would probably be a good idea to send this mail by express mail.
• Why don't you try calling her tonight?
• How about taking the bus instead of driving?
• Try ignoring her for a while.
• I'd say that you'd better quit the team now.
• I advise you to talk with your lawyer.
• My advice is to be careful doing business with them.
• I suggest that we go out for dinner tonight.
• Let me suggest that we buy a new copier.
• I recommend that you cancel your appointment.
• My recommendation is that we begin the sales program in May.
Do the following task.
1. Take a piece of paper.
2. Write on the paper about a problem you have now
3. Exchange your paper with another student next to you.
4. Now, each student writes a suggestion/advice/recommendation of your friend's problem on another piece of paper
B. Study the following expressions.
Asking permission :
• Can I close the window, please?
• Please let me have the car tonight.
• May I close the door, please?
• Do you mind if I smoke?
• Would you mind if I went with her?
• May I have your permission to marry your daughter?
Giving permission :
• Sure, go ahead.
• It's okay with me.
• No, I don't mind.
• Why not?
• You have my permission.
• I won't stop you.
• Certainly.
Denying permission:
• No, you may not.
• You can't.
• Yes, I do mind.
• I don't think so.
• I will not permit you to.
• I absolutely forbid you.
Complete the following dialogs using the expressions of asking/giving/denying permission.
1. In the office.
Paul : Terry, do you have a ruler?
Terry : Yes.
Paul : ?
Terry : …………….…….. But don't forget to return it to me.
Paul : And, uhm …….... do you have a calculator, too?
Terry : Yes.
Paul : ………………….?
Terry : …………………. I'm using it at this moment.
Paul : Never mind, then.
2. Butet asks Unang for a ride in his car.
Butet : Nang, are you going downtown?
Unang : Yes, I am.
Butet : ?
Unang : ………………… . Get in. Where do you want to go?
Butet : …………………………..
Unang : All right.
3. Vita is walking home from the office. She meets /1 n/on on the street. He is ruling a motorcycle.
Anton : Hey, Sit. Arc you going home now?
Sita : Yes.
Anton : ……………………… , please?
Sita : ………………………. . That's nice of you!
Anton : Put on this helmet, please.
Sita : ………………………….. .
Work in pairs. Create a dialog based on the following situation.
A student has to type a paper for class the next day, but his typewriter is broken. His roommate's typewriter is in good condition, so he wants to borrow it.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Be careful! You never know what could wait you in your next English class!
1. What is the generid structure of this text?
2. What kind of genre does the text belong to?
3. What is the first paragraph?
4. What the last paragraph in the text?
5. What is the purpose of the text?
6. Why people must be careful when they want to across the street?
7. What does "you" in paragraph 2 refer to?
You know how to boil an egg? Well, this is the way. First heat a saucepan of water on the stove. Then put the egg in the boiling water. Next heat it until it boils. "Then cook for three minutes. Next leave the egg until it gets
Now, the egg is ready to serve. Finally serve it with pepper powder and salt.
1. What does this text tell us about?
2. What materials are needed to boil egg?
3. What is the purpose of this text?
4. How many steps are there in the instruction?
5. What is the genre of this text?
6. What is the structure of this text?
Well, to cook rice, you will need some rice and water. Now, these are the steps of cooking rice. Listen carefully.
First, wash the rice in the cold water. Like this right? Now, secondly put the rice with some water in a pan. Then, step number three, boil it. Next step number four, cook it slowly for about 20 minute. See, there is no more water now. After that, step 5 put the rice into the simmer, and stem the rice for about 45 minutes. Now, the rice is ready to cat.
1. What does this text tell us about`?
2. What is purpose of this text?
3. What kind of genre does the text belong to?
4. What is the genre structure of this text?
5. How many steps are there in the instruction?
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Expect, Hope and Wait
She is expecting a baby. (= She is pregnant now.)
She is hoping that it will be a girl. (She doesn’t know whether it will be a girl.)
We can expect good or bad things to happen, but we only hope for good things.
.Expect and wait
Wait does not mean the same as expect. You wait when somebody or something is late or when you are early for something.
I expected her at eleven, but she didn’t come.
I waited for her till twelve, and then went home.
Hope and wait take the preposition for before a direct object. Expect is used without the preposition.
I am expecting a phone call from Peter. (NOT I am expecting for a phone call from Peter.)
I am hoping for a raise. (NOT I am hoping a raise.)
I am waiting for John. (NOT I am waiting John.)
All three verbs can be followed by an infinitive.
I am expecting to hear from her.
I am hoping to hear from her.
I am waiting to hear from her.
Expect and hope can be followed by a that-clause.
I expect that he will arrive soon.
I hope that he will come up with some new ideas.
Wait cannot be followed by a that-clause.
Hope can be followed by a present tense with a future meaning.
I hope she doesn’t miss the train. (= I hope that she will not miss the train.)
What can follow a verb?
Different verbs can be followed by different kinds of word or structure. This is partly a matter of meaning. It is also partly a matter of grammatical rules. There are no simple rules. It is, therefore, necessary to learn what kind of structures can follow each verb.
Verb + object
Some verbs require an object after them. In grammars these are called transitive verbs. Examples are: break, invite, surprise, buy, give, take etc.
He broke the window.
Let’s us invite them.
She surprised me.
Some verbs are not normally followed by direct objects. These are called intransitive verbs. Examples are: sit and sleep.
Please sit down.
I don’t sleep well.
Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.
The water boils. (Intransitive)
Boil the water. (Transitive)
India lost. (Intransitive)
India lost the match. (Transitive)
Ergative verbs
Some verbs are used transitively and intransitively with different kinds of subject. The intransitive use usually has a passive meaning. In grammars these verbs are called ‘ergative’.
We are selling a lot of copies of this book.
This book is selling well.
She opened the door.
The door opened.
Verbs with prepositions and particles
Some verbs require prepositions before their objects. Examples are: look, listen, talk etc.
Why is she looking at me like that? (NOT Why is she looking me like that?)
Listen to this. (NOT Listen this.)
We talked about his plans. (NOT We talked his plans.)
Some verbs are used with adverb particles, not prepositions.
It is time to get up.
A preposition is usually necessary before an expression of place.
We arrived at the station at 9.30. (NOT We arrived the station at 9.30.)
Don’t walk on the grass. (NOT Don’t walk the grass.)
A few verbs do not require a preposition before an expression of place.
I like climbing mountains. (NOT I like climbing on mountains.)
Some verbs are followed not by an object, but by a subject complement. These are called copular verbs.
He is a genius.
That looks beautiful.
I felt an idiot.
Verb + verb structures
Many verbs can be followed by forms of other verbs. Some verbs can be followed by infinitives (with or without to), some by -ing forms, some by past participles and some by clauses. Many verbs can be followed by two or more of these structures. It is necessary to know which structures are possible after each verb.
I enjoy swimming in the sea. (NOT I enjoy to swim in the sea.)
I hope to see him soon.
You seem to have upset her. (NOT You seem having upset her.)
Common verbs that can be followed by infinitives include the following:
afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, begin, care, choose, consent, continue, dare, decide, expect, fail, forget, go on, happen, hate, help, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, like, love, manage, mean, neglect, offer, prefer, prepare, pretend, promise, propose, refuse, regret, remember, seem, start, trouble, try, want, wish
Common verbs that can be followed by an -ing form are:
admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, detest, dislike, endure, enjoy, escape, excuse, face, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, put off, resent, resist, risk, stand, suggest, understand
Mother suggested consulting a doctor. (NOT Mother suggested to consult a doctor.)
I enjoy singing. (NOT I enjoy to sing.)
She has finished writing that novel.
What you should know !
1. See is used when we just want to say that visual impressions come to our eyes. Seeing is not always deliberate – it may be accidental; you can see things without thingking about them, and even without realizing that you are seeing them.
• I suddenly saw a spider on the celling
• I waves at my father, but he didn’t even see me
2. Look (at) suggest consentration, intention : if we look, we are paying attention or trying to see what is there.
• I looked but could see nothing
• He looked at her with his eyes full of love
• Look carefully at this – think it’s important
3. Watch is like look (at), but suggest that something is happening, or going to happen. We watch things that change, move, or develop.
• Watch that man – I want to know everything he does
• I usually spend Saturday afternoon watching a football match
4. Note that although we say watch TV, we usually use see to talk about public performances of plays and films.
• Compare :
• Did you watch “Friends” last night?
• (A TV serial)
• Have you seen ‘Eiffel, I’m in love’
• (A Film)
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
But now Gecko was upset. For several weeks he had not been able to sleep because of Firefly. Night after night the black lightning beetle with red and yellow spots flew around and about him, glowing like sparks of fire, flashing his light into Gecko’s eyes.
The Chief, who really did not like his sleep to be disturbed either, was sympathetic, and promised to make an investigation. He asked Gecko to come back to see him in a week or so.
The next day the Chief called Firefly and told him about Gecko’ complaint. “Is it only Gecko you are disturbing?” he asked, “or is it possible that others are also bothered by your light flashing into their eyes?” Gecko Had Come to Lodge a Complaint.
Firefly’ light was out now, as he spoke very humbly to the Chief. “I meant no harm, sir. In fact, I thought I was doing something good. I heard the drumming of Woodpecker as he struck his bill on the tree trunk, and I thought it was a kulkul calling villagers to get up and gather. I was only flashing my light to pass on the message.
” The Chief then decided to ask Woodpecker about this. He found him and told him what Firefly had said.“
I too was only passing on a warning, sir,” said Woodpecker. “I heard the kwak-kwak-kwak of Frog in the rice paddies, and I thought it was a warning that an earthquake was coming. So I just passed on the message.”
Now the chief went in search of Frog, who meanwhile had heard that he would be interrogated. “The reason I was kwak-kwak-kwaking more and louder than usual,” he explained, “is that I saw Black Beetle walking down the road carrying filth, which I thought was so dirty and so unhygienic that I had to stop him.”
“That is indeed bad,” thought the Chief. “I must speak to Beetle at once.”
Black Beetle, plump and gleaming like polished copper, was also very humble and respectful, as he explained the situation.
“You see, sir, Water Buffalo comes by dropping his pat in the middle of the road, and I just thought it was my duty to clean it up.” The Chief was now beginning to lose patience. “Tell Water Buffalo I wish to see him!” he ordered.
When Water Buffalo appeared, he was polite, but he expressed his displeasure with Beetle’s report.
“It is clear,” he said, “that I am not appreciated. Rain washes away all the stones in the road, and I fill up the holes. Who else does that, I ask you?”
By this time the Village Chief was tired, but he had to hear Rain’s story. And Rain was angry. “Complaining about ME?” he asked. “Who asks the gods for Rain, even makes offerings to them so they will send Rain? Without ME there are no mosquitoes, and if there are no mosquitoes, Gecko is hungry and unhappy. Don’t speak to me. Speak to Gecko!” When Gecko returned to the home of the Chief as he had been requested to do, the Chief spoke to him very sternly indeed.
“Gecko, say no more. We all have our problems. Go home, and live at peace with all your neighbors!”
Adapted from Alibasah, 1999.
1. Who are the main characters of the story?
2. Why did Gecko want to see the Chief?
3. Why was Gecko unable to sleep for several weeks?
4. After Gecko lodged the complaint, who was the fi rst to investigate?
5. What was the Firefl y’s reason of fl ashing the lights?
6. Who was the next to investigate and what did he say?
7. How many characters were investigated after all?
8. Who was the last to investigate and what did it say?
9. Did Gecko fi nd a solution to his problem? What was he supposed to do then?
10. What do you learn from the story?
Narative always deal with some problem which lead to the climas and then turn into a solution to problem.B. Study the following text and its Schematic Structure!
Text Organization or Schematic Structure :
• Orientation ( who were involved in story, when and where )
• Complication ( a problem arises followed by other problems )
• Resolution ( solution to the problem )
C. Study the following text and its linguistic features!
Language features of narative text :
• The use of noun phrases (a beautiful princess, a huge temple)
• The use of connectives (first, before that, then, finally)
• The use of adverbial phrases of time and place (in the garden, two days ago)
• The use of simple past tense (He walked away from the village)
• The use of action verbs (walk, sleep, wake up)
• The use of saying verbs (say, tell, ask)
• The use of thinking verbs, feeling verbs, verbs of senses (she felt hungry, she thought she was clever, she smelt something burning)
• The use of Specific Participant (chinderella,
One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn't have enough money to take Snow White.
Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
She was very tired and hungry. Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell a sleep.
Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, `What is your name?' Snow White said, `My name is Snow White.'
Doc said, `If you wish, you may live here with us'. Snow White said,' Oh could I? Thank you. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.
1. What kind of genre does the text belong to?
a. report d. narrative
b. analytical e. descriptive
c. anecdote
2. What is the genre structure of this text?
a. orientation – évents - réorientation
b. thesis – arguments - reiteration
c. Goal-material-steps
d. Abstract – orientation – crisis – incident - coda
e. Orientation – complication - resolution
3. What is the first paragraph?
a. general classification d. news worthy events
b. abstract e. goal
c. orientation
4. What the last paragraph in the text?
a. steps d. coda
b. sources e. resolution
c. reorientation
5. What is the purpose of the text?
a. to describe about person
b. to discuses about Cinderella
c. to entertain the readers
d. to share with someone
e. to describe how something is done
Saturday, 25 June 2011
The little fly flew down and buzzed around the bull's head. The bull did not bother you with him. He went on chewing grass.
Now the fly decided to land on one of the bull's horns to make to make the bull notice him. He waited for the bull to say something, but the bull kept quite.
The fly then shouted angrily, "Oh bull, if you find that 1 am too heavy for you, let me know and I'll fly away!"
The bull laughed and said, "little fly, I don't care if you stay or leave. You arc so tiny that your weight does not make any difference to me, so please be quite and leave me alone.
The Lion and Mouse
One day a lion slept in the jungle. A tiny mouse ran over the Lion's head and down his nose. The Lion awoke with a loud roar. He was very angry. His paw caught the little Mouse.
The Lion opened his huge jaws to swallow the Mouse.
“Pardon me, O King, I beg of you, “cried the frightened Mouse.
“If you forgive me this time, I will never forget your kindness. I meant no harm and I certainly didn’t want to disturb Your Majesty. If you let me stay alive, I can do you a good turn, too.”
The lion began to laugh. He laughed and laughed.
“How could a tiny creature like you ever do anything to help me?” And he shook with laughter.
“Oh well,” he shrugged, looking down at the frightened Mouse, "you're not so much of a meal anyway."
Then, he released his paw from the Mouse and the Mouse quickly ran away.
Some time after this, some hunters, tried to capture the Lion alive. They set up rope nets in the jungle. The Lion fell into the trap. He roared and thrashed.
His thunderous bellows sent through the jungle. The tiny Mouse heard the Lion's roars.
"That may be the Lion who once freed me," he said, remembering his promise. And he ran to see whether he could help.
Discovering the sad Lion, the Mouse said to him, "Stop, stop! You must not roar. If you make so much noise, the hunters will come and capture you. I'll get you out of this trap."
With his sharp little teeth, the Mouse gnawed at the ropes until they broke. The Lion stepped out of the net and was free. The mouse said, "Now, was I not right?"
"Thank you, good Mouse," said the Lion gently. "You did help me. I see now that kindness is always worth while.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Why is the problem so serious now? This is not an easy question to answer. There may not be a single answer. Many problems seem to make cities so dangerous.
One of the problems is money. To fight crime, a city needs police officers cars and guns. These cost a lot of money but right now cities do not have much extra money. So, there not enough police officers, cars and guns for cities.
Another problem is drugs. Crime studies show that many criminals use and sell drugs. After they star taking drugs, they want to have more. However, drugs are very expensive. So, these people may sell drugs to other people to make money or they may steal money to get more drugs.
There is an even more important cause of crime. Cities have rich and poor neighborhoods. In the poor neighborhoods, jobs are hard to find. Many young people don't have much hope for a better life. They only know one way to make a better living for them selves. That way is to sell drugs or steal. So, some of these young people become criminals.
It is not going to be easy to change these crime problems. We must first change many of the law about drugs. We must change the way cities spend their money. Until then, the crime problem will not go away and we will live in fear.
Friday, 17 June 2011
Penilaian Autentik dalam CTL
Penilaian Autentik mempunyai beberapa jenis, dan pada umumnya para pendidik mengenali empat jenis penilaian autentik: potofolio, pengukuran kinerja, proyek, dan jawaban tertulis secara lengkap. Secara garis besar, dari keempat jenis penilaian autentik tersebut mempunyai karakteristik lima karakteristik dasar.
Penilaian Autentik dalam Contextual Teaching and Learning
Penilaian Autentik mempunyai beberapa jenis, dan pada umumnya para pendidik mengenali empat jenis penilaian autentik: potofolio, pengukuran kinerja, proyek, dan jawaban tertulis secara lengkap. Secara garis besar, dari keempat jenis penilaian autentik tersebut mempunyai karakteristik lima karakteristik dasar.
5 Karakteristik Dasar Penilaian Autentik
5 karakteristik dasar penilaian autentik adalah karakter dasar dalam melakukan penilaian secara autentik sebagai bentuk akhir dari metode pembelajaran CTL.
1. Penilaian dilakukan selama dan sesudah proses pembelajaran berlangsung
2. Aspek yang diukur adalah keterampilan dan performasi, bukan mengingat fakta apakah peserta didik belajar? Atau apa yang sudah diketahui peserta didik?
3. Penilaian dilakukan secara berkelanjutan, yaitu dilakukan dalam beberapa tahapan dan periodik, sesuai dengan tahapan waktu dan bahasanya, baik dalam bentuk formatif maupun sumatif.
4. Penilaian dilakukan secara integral, yaitu menilai berbagai aspek pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan peserta didik sebagai satu kesatuan utuh.
5. Hasil penilain digunakan sebagai feedback, yaitu untuk keperluan pengayaan (enrichment) standart minimal telah tercapai atau mengulang (remedial) jika standart minimal belum tercapai.
Tentang cara Bagaimana Melakukan Penilaian Dalam CTL serta apa keuntungan penilaian autentik ? sebagaimana telah disebut dalam posting sebelumnya, tidaklah sama dengan penilaian umum yang hanya dilakukan pada akhir pemberian materi, hal ini lebih-lebih dikarenakan kurangnya nilai pengukuran yang bisa digambarkan oleh penilaian umum. Penilaian umum hanya bisa memberikan informasi mengenai hasil belajar siswa dan tidak bisa menganalisis proses belajar siswa. Banyaknya variable dalam penilaian autentik juga memungkinkan penilaian autentik bisa memberikan gambaran kemampuan siswa secara komprehensip baik dari hasil belajar, proses belajar, maupun hal-hal lain yang dibutuhkan sekolah, seperti keterampilan siswa dan aktivitas siswa.
Dalam melakukan penilaian autentik, 5 hal dasar di atas dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan umum, untuk membantu membuat model penilaian berbasis CTL, karena penilaian autentik memang berasal dari metode pembelajaran CTL.
Referensi Penilaian Autentik: Elaine B. Johnson, Contextual Teaching Learning, (Bandung: MLC, 2007)
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Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Once upon time a fox was returning to his den. He was very hungry and could find nothing to eat. Near the forest where he lived there was a village. In the village lived a butcher. I must go to the butcher house and see if I can steal meat from there, “he thought. As he was nearing the village he saw a crow on the branch of a tree. The crow was holding a big piece of meat in her beak.
“I must have the piece of meat, “the fox said to himself. “I must find a way to get it. It’s not for nothing that people call me the sly fox.”
Then he went over to the tree and said, “Good morning Miss crow. How pretty you look today. You are the most beautiful bird I have ever seen. And people say that no other bird can sing more sweetly than you. Would you please sing for me?”
The crow was very pleased to hear all the nice things which the fox said about her. “I’ll be glad to sing a little song for you, “she said. She opened her beak and began so sing as loudly as he could. The piece of meat fell to the ground, and the fox ate it up.
“Thank you for the song and the meal, the fox said. “That was very tender meat indeed.”
The crow soon realized that the fox was only flattering her. “I will never trust a flattering again.” She said sadly himself.